I am home!!!
I just got home a few minutes ago, and just had to get on here ASAP!!! I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for the calls, messages, and notes of good health and well wishes!! You all mean so much to me, and I really appreciate everything you have done!!!
Misty, there are absolutly no words that I can say to actually express my gratitude on having you and Rich at the hospital with me the other day. You certainly made my life so much easier by having a caring hand there with me when I needed it the most! Thank you again! Also, thanks for the goodie box. My Nutritionist and I went thru it and had a ball looking at all of the stuff in there!!! She is actually going to put it to the board to have goodie boxes made up for all the new losers when they come out of the hospital!!! What a wonderful idea!!!
Thanks to both Misty and Jen for being my angels!!! You are both heaven sent, and I really appreciate you both for all that you have done!!! Much Love!
Ok, now that I have made my post, I am going to lie down for a bit and get this binder off for a little while!!!
I can honestly say, "I AM NOW ON THE LOSERS BENCH!!!!"
Thanks, Love always, LaChelle
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
LaChelle... I can't take credit for the idea of the goodie box.. I was just paying it forward.. Floyd and Brenda brought me a basket of goodies that was an absolute blessing. It saved me from buying a lot of stuff right away that I could or could not handle!!
I am sooo glad you are home though!! I am sorry I didn't call you yesterday or today, I have noooo voice LOL even straining as much as possible very little is coming out! I'm sooo glad your doing so well also!! (( HUGS )) I bet Molly and Mariah are sooo glad to have their momma home!!
welcome home . and congrats on becomming a new hoosier loser. isnt it grand. and you can drive as soon as you are off your pauin meds for a full 24 hours. unless you had open then you cant but anyway . ask around maybe someone from down that way would like a buddy to ride with them to the exchange.