Iron question ..
Dr. Cacucci told me to start taking 325 mg of Ferrous Gluconate twice a day a day. With the holidays and being sooo busy I had forgotten until I pulled the check out sheet she gave me out and looked at it and it mentions to start it. The ONLY place I have been able to find it is CVS BUT I can only find the 27 MG over the counter stuff there. Divide 325 by 27 would mean I'm taking 24 pills daily of iron ALONE at 15.00 for 100 of them I'd be having to buy them every 4 days pretty much. She did mention if I need a prescription she'd give me one, and I thought she was going to but it may have slipped her mind because she was getting my lab sheet together for me to have my labs drawn and all that stuff and truthfully it slipped my mind til after I got half way home and I figured I would be able to find it OTC.. Is it possible to find HIGHER mg pills over the counter or do I just need to call Monday and have her call a prescription in?
I think I'd call and have her call you in a script...especially just in case she meant to write 32.5 mg instead. Usually doc don't have you take more than 20 times the strength that the vitamins come in.
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