Happy Thursday!
Happy Thursday y'all.. I am late posting but I have a good reason heheh...
So we had a really good day yesterday. My MIL & FIL got us a new microwave (the one we have is about 9 years old LOL It was here long before me heh) and a new coffee pot with a timer that auto starts it and whatever! It's neat. They also gave me a nice pull over that is nice and comfy!! The best part about it is that it was A only an XL and from Kohls I always needed 3xs and half the time that didn't fit me before, and B it was bought out of the MISSES department, how cool is that????? Hehehe I love it. We didn't get home til almost midnight last night though.
Today has been decent. We got up about 4:30ish and hit the road at 4:45!! We made it to Louisville bout 6:10. I was sorta kinda getting anxious while we were waiting for them to let us go back and spend time with LaChelle because they didn't call us to go back til bout 5 til 7 and her surgery was scheduled at 7:30. I was more anxious because I know she got there at 5:30 and they said it usually only takes 30 mins or so to get everything prepped and sooooo I figured us getting there at 6 we'd be able to go back relatively quickly. Anyways, the anasthesiologist (I know thats spelled wrong) she had was a hoot !! I really liked her surgeon Dr. Shina too. He tries to talk all of his patients out of the surgery before hand just to see how committed they are he gave LaChelle 5 options, whi*****luded getting dressed and going home, switching her procedure to a lapband, switching surgeons, having her procedure done open or going for the Lap RNY!! Of course she chose the last. That was just interesting, but he seemed decent!!
I am pretty sleepy this afternoon and feeling kinda queasy. We ate breakfast at the cafeteria in the hospital right after they took her back and the eggs were sorta greasy atleast seemed that way and so everything I tried after breakfast this morning has made me sick. But hey I had 4-5 good days with eating, and then Christmas was a bad day, yesterday was mixed and today was bad, but hey it's still more good days than bad sooo thats AoK for me. :)
Well thats all for now. I will get back with y'all later.
Hey everyone... Well, I went to the doctor today and found out I LOST 20 LBS. in 5 weeks!!! I have been really trying, but I didnt realize it was that much!!! I meet with the doctor on Jan. 10th to get my surgery going and start getting it submitted to insurance... I am happy about that... I am also starting to get scared though... I am telling myself that I lost this weight, maybe I can lose more... I just really need to push myself...
Life has been really hectic with my sisters car accident on Friday and her having surgery and not being able to walk. I have been her personal nurse... and free babysitter... I am going in 9 directions... I have been going to my mom and dads house and it is a mess there because they had Christmas dinner there and have not really got to clean since the wreck and the laundry, OMG it was terrible... SO I got everything caught up until tomorrow... Plus the boys and my sister are there, and my kids and I are there during the week... Yeah, this is the first time I have sat down for more than 10 minutes in a week(I am not joking). I swear my family is all falling apart right now... Everyone is sick and right now I have been nurse....
Well, my kids are actually sleeping... So, I think I might go to sleep too... I have to be up before 5 to take care of the boys and my sister....