Happy Thursday!

LaChelle R.
on 12/26/07 3:31 pm - Erie, PA
Well, since I am not going to be able to start any daily threads for awhile, I thought I would start todays!!!  I 5 hours from now, I will be on my way to a new me!!! I can't wait!!!  I have said my prayers repeatedly, and had my talk with my babies. They know that I will call them as soon as I get the chance tonight, so they are ok with that.  They are excited for me now. It just took them some time to accept it.  I think they are ready! Hope everyone has a great day and week!!!  I will be online again soon.  Hopefully the zodiac will allow me to post in OH!!!  Until then, thanks again, and God Bless! Love, LaChelle
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
(deactivated member)
on 12/26/07 7:17 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Good luck, Lachelle! I am up and ready for work. I have some time to kill. The kids are at my parents' home for the week, and I am used to having to get them ready for school and daycare! Not used to so much extra time. Mike, my dh, and I got alot done yesterday. We looked at apartments all day. We are planning to sell the house and move. To save money, and just life will be easier. We found one we like here in Terre Haute. Put in an application yesterday. I just hope it goes through. It was a nice place.  I have to go to work today. I'm almost kind of glad to get back after a long weekend. I want to see what needs to be done, and get to work on it. I don't have to work at Sears though until Saturday. So, that's good.  Hope everyone has a great day!
vicki S.
on 12/26/07 8:09 pm - indianapolis, IN

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/07 9:30 pm - Cumberland, IN
Good Luck Lachelle!!1 You will be in my prayers all day long!  I will pray for a short and sucessful surgery!!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/26/07 9:33 pm - Greenfield, IN
Good Luck LaChelle!  You'll be a loser before you know it!! Linda - I am forwarding your post and the picture of the dogs from your profile to a few people... Nice, slow week here at work.  Read a book yesterday!  Hope everyone has a great day!!
on 12/26/07 9:39 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! Not alot going on today. It'll probably be a lazy day..much like yesterday was. My mil gives me the gossip magazines when she gets done with them (her daughter gives them to her..and then I pass them on to my daughter...lol!). So..I went through 2 People's and 1 In Touch yesterday. LOL! No, I don't read every story! Today will probably be Sudoko, nap, Sudoko, nap..lol! Oh..we do have to run to Walgreens to pick up a few scripts but that won't take very long. I plan on giving LaChelle a call either this evening or in the morning. I do hope everything goes as smoothly a possible for her. Say a little prayer for her today...k? I don't know if you guys have been following her posts & her blog, but say a prayer for not just her surgery but for everything that touches her life....k? I know, we all could use an all encompassing prayer..but LaChelle's journey & recouperating should be her main focus right now. God can certainly handle the rest.  You all have a really terrific day today! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 12/26/07 9:46 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, all. I know that things will go well for you today, LaChelle. I will call you later on. I am at the church office now. I came in early since there wasn't anything going on at home and I thought that I might have the Sunday bulletin on the computer for me to do but it isn't here yet. I am not as fast at doing them so it takes me a bit of time. lol My phone (so my internet too) was out yesterday again. They were suppose to come out this morning but at 5:15 this morning the phone rang. I thought it was cable telling me they fixed it but it was Bill's boss asking him to go into work this morning. He wasn't a happy camper but he went. So I had to call cable and reschedule the appointment. Now they are coming this afternoon. I could tell that the phone was going to go out again because it was cutting in and out and the internet was  s-l-o-wwwwwww and that is what it did last week when it was out for 3 days. I am getting tired of this really fast.  It is rainy here this morning. It is above freezing for now but it is suppose to turn into snow today. I guess we are suppose to get about an inch. Later on this week end I think we are suppose to get a fair amount of snow. I am ready for spring to be here and we aren't even to the half way point of winter yet. Moving to somewhere warmer sounds better every year. lol I better get going. Have a great day everyone. Stay warm and safe. Bye for now. 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 12/27/07 12:06 am - IN
Best wishes LaChelle!  I am sure by now you are probably out of surgery. I am a little late getting on here today. I took yesterday off, since I had to work Christmas Eve and day.  At least, I am in responding distance so I could be at my mom's on Christmas day while I was on duty.  I did have to leave and take 2 calls, but we were done with the unwrapping and getting ready to eat.  I just ate when I got back.  I bought a new scale yesterday with some Christmas money I got and according to those scales I have lost 56 lbs.  I go see Dr. Gupta 1-3-08 and I will weigh myself on my scales and then see what their scales say and kind of compare them to see how accurate they are.  I am in pants 3 sizes smaller now. Which I am thrilled about.  I also bought a mini stepper to exercise on. Man it kills your leg muscles.  I can only do about 160 steps at one time, then I go back and do more.   My parents have a treadmill, so I have been trying to do that every other day, I do a mile on it. Well, I need to go get some more work done.  Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Gail O.
on 12/27/07 1:58 am - indianapolis, IN
Dear LaChelle, you will be in my thoughts and blessings today as wellas everyday. I know we will be reading about all your "wow" moments soon. You are sure a blessings to all. I cant wait to meet you. Love,Hugs, and a Healthy Recovery, Gail
on 12/27/07 4:14 am - Wabash, IN
Lachelle, GF! ROAD TRIP DAY!!!!!!!  WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  Have a great nap cause you have to be up and attem to start this marvelous trip! Can't wait to talk to you...I will call tonight!  HUGGGGGGGGGGS and PRAYERSSSSSSSS! Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

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