Merry Christmas... Christmas morning..

on 12/24/07 1:44 pm - LaGrange, KY
Sooo it's almost 1 a.m. and I'm still awake. I am not feeling sooo good tonight. Just tired and achey. I'm so cold tooo its annoying. We got our gas bill and lets just say it's scaaaaaaaaary hehe and that was for November when I don't think we had the heat on all month. Oh well. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas! To everyone traveling, be careful and stay safe... Love y'as
on 12/24/07 6:36 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Merry HoHo!! It's 5:15...I know, way too early! I have a few cooking things to get done before it's time to head to Tiffany's so I thought I'd go ahead and get up. The stuff won't take very long..which is good, so I can transfer a few more pics onto the memory stick for my mil's frame.  Can you believe that Christmas is here already? This year has just flown by! I know, for those of you who are working on getting your 6 month pcp diets in, it has probably dragged on & on. Wait though, after you get approved and your surgery date, the days will be gone in no time at all! Once you're post-op, I think it goes even quicker. I just cannot believe that it's been over 3 years for me! Shoot, I can't believe that it has been 3 months since my plastics surgery. A few weeks ago, we were at Tiffany's house after my 6 yr old grandson's Chance's Christmas program. I was talking with Chance and he asked me to name the reindeers..which I did name all 8. Then he said 'Mamaw, you missed one'. So I added Rudolf. He said 'No Mamaw, you missed another one'. So I asked him what that one's name is. It broke my heart because he said 'Jesus'.  How sad is it that kids these days think that Jesus is one of the reindeers? Bill and I tried to explain to him who Jesus is in terms that a 6 yr old could understand. Needless to say, I think Bill & I need make a resolution in 2008 to find a church we can both agree on and start taking our grandchildren there! (We tried Bill's old church a few years ago on Easter. They were SO non-denominational that they would not even say that Easter was because Christ died for our sins and rose again! Instead, Easter was just a celebration of the new life that Spring brings! I can't go to a church that thinks it's taboo to say the name Jesus Christ!). I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas celebration today...for however you choose to celebrate it.  May the spirit of Christmas that is felt today by you and yours, stay with you until the calendar once again reads December 25th.  And may you all take a few minutes to reflect on that birth that happened so many years ago and not just the man to whom the reindeers take direction from. Be safe my friends. Love you all! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
LaChelle R.
on 12/24/07 10:01 pm - Erie, PA
Good Christmas morning to all! It is 8:30 am here in the hills.  The girls woke me up almost 30 minutes ago, and now the living room is a disaster area!!! I will make sure to have it condemnend in about 30 more minutes, or once the girls are tired of their newest toys.   I have been up for many hours. I woke up a little after 4 am, and just laid in bed and thought so much about the past few days, and the upcoming days ahead.  I have been praying alot, and it helps so much.  I must share this with you all.  Last night, my girls and I went to our church's Christmas Eve communion service.  Molly was in such a great mood when we sat down........laughing and talking to everyone there.  When the ceremony started, she did get quiet, but she became very mad and angry at everyone, and started throwing a fit.  No one could figure out why. She wouldn't talk to anyone at all.  She, Mariah and I took communion as a family, and then we prayed at the alter.  She stayed up there for a moment longer, deep in remember, she is only 6.  After the prayer, we returned to our pew, and she was better.  Later that evening, we went to the West Baden Dome to see the Christmas tree.  As we were walking down the sidewalk, she was still rude and angry at me, and wasn't minding me at all.  Needless to say, I was ready to yank a knot onto her rear, but I stopped her and asked her point blank what her problem was........she burst out into tears and screamed at me that she didn't want me to die during surgery. She ran back to me and hugged me so tight that I honestly couldn't breathe.  I just started crying right there with her.  Her sobs were so deep and heartfelt and so honest and true.  That was her *****ason of anger at church, she was telling God that if he took me away during surgery, she would never forgive him.  I have never cried more than I did right then.  She wasn't thinking about herself, just me, and my surgery.  I held her and explained that I am in Gods hands, and that he will take care of me and I will be back home in just a few days, and that everything will be just fine.  She was ok with that, and we went inside.  Later, when it was time for bed, she came into my room, and asked me if she could say a prayer with me.  She said the most beautiful prayer to God to keep me safe, and to bring me home healthy. Tears were streaming down both of our faces, and she just held me so tightly.  I told her thank you, because there has never been a more sincere prayer said about me than that one right then.  She spoke to God as if he was right there beside both of us, which I know he is.  Afterward, she said she was tired and went to bed.  She went to sleep immediately, and later, as I went to check on her and cover her.......there was the most beautiful and peaceful smile on her face.  Everything was right in her world again.  What a wonderful Christmas present......the love of a child. Like the love that God sent us so long ago with the birth of Jesus.    We may falter, and go astray, but God will bring us back around, by showing us love and compassion.  And with the knowledge that by his faith, we will persevere and be strong thru him.  Jesus is the real reason for the season. God bless each of you on this, the birthday of our Great Savior.  May you each have the blessings of wonderful fellowship with your families and friends. May your gifts be plenty, and may your hearts be filled with love and joy. I certainly know mine is. Mine is filled with the love of my wonderful family, and the love of Jesus Christ. God Bless You! Myspace Comment: Merry Christmas - 016
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 12/25/07 12:50 am - Avon, IN
Wow Lachelle that's beautiful!! Made me cry seriously... God will hold you in His hands sweetie and we will all be praying for you...

Sherri, it is sad that kids don' tknow who Jesus is. Make sure you bring Him into their lives...

To everyone on the board... Thank you for all the wonderful blessings that you have given me. Without all of you I know i would not be as successful as I am... I pray that this time of year finds you all in peace and you remember the awesome gift that was given to all of us so long ago. I give thanks to God for giving His son this day because without Jesus there is no point in anything that we do.

Merry Christmas everyone!! :hugs:


Gail O.
on 12/25/07 1:21 am - indianapolis, IN

Merry Christmas My Dear Friends, I didn't remember last Christmas, so I am counting this year & last as one.  Misty- YOU ARE ON MY MIND 24/7 AND i PRAY YOU ARE BETTER SOON. Sherri - I pray your surgery will make you feel 100 times better and I cant wait to see you. LaChelle - YOU MADE ME CRY, I KNOW YOU ARE ONE SPECIAL PERSON . AND I CANT WAIT TO MEET YOU. Jess - You know I love you dearly and are so kind and caring. I miss you. And to the REST OF MY OH FAMILY I LOVE YOU ALL, YOU ALWAYS HERE WHEN WE ALL NEED TOU .

Blessings to All, Gail

(deactivated member)
on 12/25/07 5:09 am - Terre Haute, IN
Merry Christmas, everybody!!! We got up at 7:30am, and saw what Santa brought the kids and us. It was fun. Then we got dressed, and drove to Hammond, to visit my family. Last night we went out to dinner with Mike's (my dh) family. We always go to Chinese food on CHristmas Eve. We started that tradition in 1999, the year my daughter, Lucy, died. I was totally not in the spirit of CHristmas, until the last minute. I finally wanted to do something, because I wanted to celebrate for my son, Mikey. So we went out to dinner, since we had no food in our house. Not party food anyway. SO guess what was open?!?! CHinese! Now, every year we go to chinese. I guess it helps me remember Lucy.  I was pleased with my presents today. I got a butterfly pendant necklace. I got a black top, and a black leather skirt, and a pink sweater. I'm happy that my leather skirt fit. I'm wearing it now, with my black leather boots. I look pretty good if I do say so myself.  TOday, the drive to Hammond was great. Everyone fell asleep, and I got to have a nice long contemplative drive. I said some prayers for my extended family who need it, and for my own family. We are facing some major life changes right now, because my husband's work is giving him a very hard time. He might resign. I could use prayers, for things to work out according to GOd's will.
on 12/25/07 6:41 am
Merry Christmas and  my the next day be better for all of us the prayer chain well be strong and up lefting
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