Good Christmas Eve Morning
It is hard to believe that Christmas is tomorrow. It gets here way too fast now compared to when I was a kid, it seemed it would never get here.
I had a terrible day yesterday with gas pains. I pretty much stayed on the couch all day. Hubby went to grocery store (Walmart) and I told him to get my some Gas X strips. He got back and I said did you get my Gas X, nope he forgot. GRRRR! So he went to the closest town to try to find some, but they didnt have any. He ended up getting me mylicon drops for babies gas. I took about 5 droppers of that. I couldnt even hardly eat yesterday I just felt so horrible. I managed to get 2 bites of hamb. steak and 3 pieces of steamed cauliflower in and that was it. Got my 24 oz of milk in and couple bottles of water. Today, so far, (knock on wood) have not had any gas pains.
I probably wont be on here tomorrow, so Merry Christmas everyone.
Good morning everyone!
Well..I got a start at putting the pictures on a memory stick for my mil's digital frame yesterday. I had 169 pics on it and it didn't even take up 1/10th of the memory! So today, I'll really be loading it up! LOL! I have a 2nd 1 gb stick that after Christmas, I think I'm going to scan a bunch of pictures that Jean left here (a HUGE box of albums probably dating back 70 years or so). I think she'd get a kick out of seeing those now & then and the memory sticks are easy to swap out. I also have some pc printing stuff to do. So much to do...and all TODAY!
We had trouble finding the pork roast last night. We ended up getting 3 smaller ones instead of one huge one. They had alot more fat on them than the one I got a few weeks ago. I cooked it all night & it's now I'll be able to remove alot of the fat while I'm 'pulling' it. My house smells so oniony-garlicy...yummy! pc stuff, I'll be whipping up the food for tomorrow. Oh..since I didn't do a stocking for the adult kids, I fixed up a huge fruit basket & a candy dish (with all of the old fashioned candies in them). That ought to bring a walk down memory lane for my guys at least. Yes, such a busy, busy day!
Jenny...try the chewable gas-x. I never do the strips or the drops. The chewables don't taste too bad...and the taste actually helps me! The ticture of opium that I have to take for the intestinal spasms tastes HORRIBLE. WAY worse than loratab or non-flavored Nyquil! I take it, drink a swallow of water to wa**** down, and then chew on a fruit-flavored gas-x (the mint flavor works well too!). The gas-x tastes wonderful compared to that ticture!! The chewables are alot easier to find...even Kroger's has them. When the ga****s though, walking & water are your two best buddies. I know it hurts to walk, but do. You'll feel better for it. get busy, huh? You all have a terrific day. And if you don't get back on in the morning, have a wonderful Christmas!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jenny, They do at ours and at our WalMart Neighborhood Store so you shouldn't have any problem finding them. Sherri
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good morning all. It is going to be a hectic, yet non productive day here for me. I have lots of errands to run, and nothing to get accomplished other than paying bills, so it is just time consuming events. I have to get my suitcase packed for Thursday. 3 days from now, I will be a new person. Thank the Good Lord for that one! I have found a ride to the hospital, but there isn't anyone that will be able to be there for me while I am there. That is the hardest thing I can believe. I still am trying my best to get someone, anyone, to stay there for me. I know my pastor, and his family will be there later in the day, but as far as while I am under, there won't be a single soul out in the waiting room. That makes me want to cry. I have already cried enough in the past few days over it, so it didn't do me any good other than give me a headache. And now I can't even take any tylenol this late in the game. Oh well. Enough of my bytchin.
I recieved an e-mail last night from one of my friends inviting us to dinner tomorrow at her house. She specifically put in the message, "I HAVE A BLENDER!!!" I thought that was so funny and cute!!! We are planning on going. Although I will be on clear liquids, I will manage. I have stocked up on Jello and boullion cubes. Now just give me some ho****er, and a glass to drink it out of, and I am all set!
Have a great day, I am now off and running!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!

Jenny, the chewable gas-x is better. I usually get a generic brand but it is all the same stuff.
I have a couple of gifts to wrap, 2 desserts to make, green bean casserole and my mom's dressing to make. Bill and I are going to our nephews house tonight for a gathering, and then there is church at 11:00 p.m. Busy day but most of it is here at home and that makes it better for me.
I cleaned out my closet a couple of days ago and got rid of most of my old stuff. I was surprised at the amount of clothes that I had that doesn't fit any more. It is so wonderful to be losing weight! I just love it.
Life is good!!!!
Bill got me a sweater the other day and he got it in a 2x. I thought for sure that it would fit and may have to get a 1x so I can use it later for in the winter. I tried it on and it was sooo tight. Bill told me that he would go and get a 3x and I told him no way. He asked why and he couldn't understand that I was NEVER going back to a bigger size. I know that all of my OH friends will understand.
I better get going. I hope that everyone a wonderful day and takes a rest now and then. Bye for now. I will chat later.

Merry Merry Christmas Eve my friends!!
Mom and I finished up all the wrapping last night, now all that's left is just a little bit more cleaning. Mom does all the cooking so I think she has to do all her pies today, and that may be all.
I have myself a huge knot and bruise and bite mark on the back of my leg today. It's really painful too. Dang dog! They were fighting and I was walking into the living room and he got me instead of the other dog. Ouch! But I'll live. haha
Can't wait for tomorrow, even though I have to work. I don't go in until 6 pm though so...they managed it so everyone that works today and tomorrow can just work half shifts so no one has to work an entire 12, which is nice. Last I heard there were only 5 patients up there, but that was yesterday.
Well, I hope everyone has a great day today and a very Merry Christmas tomorrow!!