Twas the day before...the day before
Happy eve of Christmas eve!
Well..other than the few Christmas gifts that are waiting on me to do pc stuff to complete them, all my wrapping is not only done, but all the gifts are over at my daughter's house!! It only took 1 my SUV AND her van. Now my SUV has LOTS of room for all the food stuff that will be going over there. Which..that is what I will be doing shopping. I'll put the pork roast in tonight to slowly cook overnight but the rest of the cooking will be done tomorrow. So...hopefully I'll get alot of pc stuff done today. Can you believe Christmas is almost here?!?!?!
For my fellow east-siders: I went to Value City yesterday (38th & Arlington). I was impressed with how quick the lines were! For how long it was when I got in line, I thought it'd take 30-45 took about 10! I was leaving there, I noticed a new BBQ place had opened up next door to it (on 38th) so Bill & I checked it out last night. I usually only go to Value City at Christmas so as far as we knew this place could have opened New Years 2007. We has only been opened a week and a half! We had to try their ribs...yumm!!! They have quite a menu so I'm sure we will be back! Oh...Papa's on PenPike is going to be closing at 3 pm from now on. We usually only go there for dinner so that was a disappointment for us.
Well..I better start resizing pics!
You all have a good, productive, eve of eve!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Sherri, it's amazing how quick this year has flown by, huh?
I have to finish wrapping today! WOOO HOOO!! I'm kind of anxious this year. I haven't seen a good family friend of ours (who I have known for 15 years and I call her my aunt but then her little girl calls me her aunt so it's goofy) since the beginning of the year and we're going to go visit with them sometime in the next week probally. It's going to be weird I'm sure. :) I mean they know I've had surgery and stuff but they haven't seen me hehe, not even in pictures really.
I'm expecting another freak out by my 12 year old niece hehe. She freaked on Thanksgiving asking what we did with her aunt because I was melting away and cut my hair. Shes such a little drama queen heh but it made me feel better !
Well I hope you and Bill and the family have a wonderful Christmas!! (( HUGS ))