I'm baaaack!

on 12/21/07 9:31 am - Kokomo, IN
Hi everyone, I'm home.....finally!  I had a problem.  My kidneys weren't functioning properly and my blood pressure was very low.  They put me in ICU for about 3 days.  They put a port in and pumped alot of fluids in me.  At one point the kidney Dr. thought I may have to have dialysis, but thankfully, the fluids did it.  My revision surgery went very well otherwise.  Dr. Huse was done in an hour, but was very perplexed with the problems I was having.  Dr. Reeder, the Internist (or Hospitalist) was the one that sent me to ICU to have the port put in.  It was a little scary, but I survived it.  I hardly noticed the pain from the surgery.....except maybe when I move....lol.  Everyone was really great at Clarian though.  Of course I've gained about 30 lbs. because I still have alot of fluid to lose yet.  But I'm sure I'll be on the loser's bench fairly soon. Candy
on 12/21/07 10:22 pm
Sorry to hear of your complications but glad you are on the mend.  May 2008 be a year of losing weight and gaining health. Peggy
on 12/23/07 5:17 am - Kokomo, IN
I am getting better everyday.  It doesn't hurt to move around in different positions now, but walking it still kind of hurts, but it's much better than it was even a day or two ago.  I'm still holding quite a bit of water weight, but I'm trying to get all of my fluids in, but not quite accomplishing it yet......but I'm working on it. Candy
on 12/21/07 10:35 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Candy, It is a relief to hear from you! Thank goodness for Dr. Reeder, huh? I'm glad your kidneys decided to kick in gear.  Take care hon...and welcome home. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/23/07 5:25 am - Kokomo, IN

Thanks so much Sherri!  I'm sorry I didn't get around to calling you and letting you know how I was doing.  I meant to, but everything was so crazy for awhile.  Do you know Dr. Reeder?  He was definitely a godsend.  He said I was his miracle child because they really didn't think I was going to pull out of it this quickly. Alot of prayers helped.  Now I just have to work on getting all of my fluids in. I was never much of a drinker to begin with, so it's really hard for me, but I'm really working on it.....of course I have my husband telling me and my mom calling me everyday reminding me to drink those liquids....lol.  I'm feeling better everyday. Sometimes I'm even having trouble getting my 3 meals in because I'm not really hungry.  I can't even tell if I'm full, so I just eat my 2 oz., which is really good....that way I know I'm not overeating.  Thanks for being concerned.


on 12/22/07 5:20 am - LaGrange, KY
Welcome home!!!!! I'm glad that your feeling better now.
on 12/23/07 5:28 am - Kokomo, IN

Thanks Misty!  It's good to be home and especially good to be able to get the rest that it's hard to get in the hospital.  Everyone was great at Clarian though and they really worked on getting my kidneys functioning again. I'm feeling better everyday now.....just a little more tired, but it'll help when I don't need my pain meds anymore.


Brenda R.
on 12/22/07 10:08 am - Portage, IN
Welcome home! I am glad that you are on the mend and pray that soon you will be up enjoying your new life like you deserve to be.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 12/23/07 5:13 am - Kokomo, IN

Thanks Brenda!  I'm doing better everyday.  I'm still pretty tired and have to push myself to get up and move, but I am doing it. Candy

LaChelle R.
on 12/23/07 6:14 am - Erie, PA
Glad to hear that you are home and doing much better. Take care and enjoy the new and improved you!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
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