I'm baaaack!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thanks so much Sherri! I'm sorry I didn't get around to calling you and letting you know how I was doing. I meant to, but everything was so crazy for awhile. Do you know Dr. Reeder? He was definitely a godsend. He said I was his miracle child because they really didn't think I was going to pull out of it this quickly. Alot of prayers helped. Now I just have to work on getting all of my fluids in. I was never much of a drinker to begin with, so it's really hard for me, but I'm really working on it.....of course I have my husband telling me and my mom calling me everyday reminding me to drink those liquids....lol. I'm feeling better everyday. Sometimes I'm even having trouble getting my 3 meals in because I'm not really hungry. I can't even tell if I'm full, so I just eat my 2 oz., which is really good....that way I know I'm not overeating. Thanks for being concerned.
Thanks Misty! It's good to be home and especially good to be able to get the rest that it's hard to get in the hospital. Everyone was great at Clarian though and they really worked on getting my kidneys functioning again. I'm feeling better everyday now.....just a little more tired, but it'll help when I don't need my pain meds anymore.