good news, bad news
the bad news: dr inman cant do my surgery at clarian. the good news: she should be able to do it at st v's. i hate insurance and people that think they know everything about it. i started out at st v's, they told me dr inman didnt accept my insurance there. i go to clarian, they wont allow my surgery type there. so i talked to dr inman today and she said to call coleen and she will take care of me. its just soooo frustrating
Quick! Look in the mirror. ....If you are pasty white(or neon yellow, orange, or green), smooth, and about an inch an a half around, you are suffering from Indecisive Insurerer's Ping Pong Syndrome.
At some point , in all of our journey's, we obese people witness ourselves mutate into a ping pong ball like shape. Recent studies show that IIPPS may caused by: waiting long periods for answers that should only take a short while, having to resend paperwork to insurance companies, and having all direct control of our own medical situation taken away from us by a person who has never even met us.
The only way to cure IIPPS is to "weight" it out, be extremely assertive, or just smile through it because, in a very short moment of time- Your life will be changed for the better.
Hope you get unfrustrated.
Merry Christmas,