Having a stomach pain

Jenny K.
on 12/20/07 9:03 pm - IN
For the past week, I have been having a discomfort in my stomach.  I thought it was just gas.  But I am starting to feel this isnt the case.  It is a hard to describe pain.  It kind of feels like a hunger feeling, but if I put pressure on my stomach, it makes a growling noise like gas.  It even happens if I take just a sip of water.  I am still eating and keeping it down and all, but I just feel so bloated all day long, I dont eat as much as I am allowed to.  Any ideas? Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 12/20/07 9:06 pm - LaGrange, KY
Are you constipated?
Jenny K.
on 12/20/07 9:09 pm - IN
No, I dont think so, I have went about 3 times this week.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Jenny K.
on 12/20/07 9:10 pm - IN
The pain is in my upper center stomach area.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 12/20/07 9:13 pm, edited 12/20/07 9:14 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
It does kinda sound like when I had some gas issues, I have done it twice now.  I feel bloated, the pressure on my stomach, I could feel the bubble moving around in there though but just wouldn't come out. I felt hungry though too, but I think cuz I didnt eat much when I felt this way cuz I was so miserable.  I just eat the gas medicine and walked as much as I could. I know the gas medicine box said no more then 4 a day but I usually ended up eating more of them.  Alot of the time I would take one and then go lay down where I was laying on my side but yet had a pillow where I could kinda roll to where i was on it with my tummy and that kinda put enough pressure to get it moving. I dont know if you have been eating alot of the same thing to pin point what would be causing gas if that is what is, but I know that I eat pretty much nothing but eggs one week and the other time it was the cauliflower. When I stopped eating the eggs I didnt have any more problems.  I dont know if any of this is the same thing you are feeling but I thought I would try to help.  If anything you can always call the doctor and ask. I know if you are like me you dont like to unless you just have to, but that is what they are there for.  Sorry if I didnt really help much.  added after reading your last post --- That is where I felt all the pain at too.

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Jenny K.
on 12/20/07 10:33 pm - IN

Yea that does sound a lot like what I am having.  I will eat some more gas x and see if that helps.

Thanks guys!

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 12/20/07 10:42 pm - Kokomo, IN
Wow, I'm am having the exact same problem. It started about 2 days ago. mine was a really cramping feeling at first, like every few minutes my gut would just knot up. It was rally painful. Then the bubble guts would start and it was like a valve opened or something and the cramping would subside for a few minutes. I went to the ER and they did blood work and CT scan and said everythign looked fine. The night the cramping let up but all day yesterday and so far today I have what you described. I think I may be constipated but last week I took laxatives 2 days in a row and it did nothing. :( Maybe I will get some gas-x and see if that helps. Hope you (and me) are feeling better soon! Julie


on 12/20/07 10:49 pm - Avon, IN
I still get those pains... mine however are in my lower left hand side where the big incision was for the lap surgery patients... I sit in the bed with my butt in the air and it all comes out!!! LOL it also could be the beginning of an ulcer if it's up around your pouch so make sure that if it continues you do see your surgeon.

As for the constipation.. I have the problem a lot because I primarily just eat cheese... I drink 100% apple juice at least one glass a day and I stay pretty regular... it helps a lot, and when i was constipated iwould get those pains too.. literally too much crap in there to let the air out


Jenny K.
on 12/20/07 11:30 pm - IN
Thanks guys!  I am going to go get some apple juice as well to see if that helps.   I cant belch either, so maybe it is just gas.  I kind of do a hiccup/burp thing and nothing comes out but air goes in, so I bet that there is too much air in there and it is not escaping and causing the problems.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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