I came across a lady on one of the other boards yesterday and she was saying she was 94 lbs and felt SO great. I went to her homepage and in big bold letters, she stated proudly and emphatically she was pro-anorexic. It was SOO sad. She looks so drawn in and skeletal and she thinks she looks HOT. She has pics posted of models and stars (AKA Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen) saying these women are hot and sexy. One pic was profile of a woman with a tanktop on and you can see all her bones sticking out and she said she is aiming to look like this. She is such an angry person and there have been SO many people on here trying to reach out to her and she has nothing but hate and resentment oosing out in her responses. You can tell she is a very angry person and has this huge defensive wall up in front of her. It is just SO sad. You want so much to try and help her and reason with her, but there is no reasoning. She contradicts herself left and right but thinks everyone else that responds to her is in the wrong and has there heads up their you-know-whats. I talked to her a couple of times, but the last response I got from her was just as mean and hateful and I just figured there are some that just don't want to listen and its pointless to argue. You don't want to give up on people like that, but she has pushed a lot of the posters on her site away. Some people were mean to her, and that wasn't right but alot of them were kind but firm with her. I don't really know wht I'm posting this. It's just really bothering me. To go from one eating disorder to another and then to say you support this killing disease, I just can't understand. She has 2 daughters, 21 and 16 I think, and man do I feel for them. What a thing to have to see. I had an aunt that had her stomach stapled like 10-12 yrs ago. She had a LOT of complications. She also became anorexic and eventually had to have her stomach removed, was on a feeding tube and died in 1999. She was just in her late 30's. I guess maybe that's why I feel so badly for this woman. She looked alot like my aunt did when she died. I guess I'm just putting my thoughts into words, no real point I'm making other than OH is a place people go for help. if you don't want help, why be here? Ok, I'll get off my soap box! :)
I know who your talking about and some people just do not want help. It's very frustrating.
Something I don't talk bout often but my brother is Bulimic. He has been struggling with it for 5-6 years. Sometimes he does really good and others he doesn't. We tried everything to help him, but since he's an adult we never were able to have him put in the hospital without taking out a warrant or whatever which in that case he'd lose his job and everything and since he lives on his own thats not really something we can have happen because we're not in a position to help him. I'd say the past few months he's actually done decent. He has put some weight on though and I really have to watch what I say around him because I am terrified of triggering him. It doesn't help that he's male either because believe it or not the one time we found help for him the place only took female patients (it was an in patient facility). That place is closed now though I believe. You just gotta keep loving them.