Thursday Morning shout Out
I hope everyone is having a good week so far. We had a Christmas Party at work last night and I was given a turkey. So I'll be cooking that tonight for Andys dinner and then the left overs will go into my stuffing Im taking to my moms Christmas day.
Andy will get all his Christmas Presents today becouse the UPS Santa delivered them all yesterday. Hes getting a GPS and a MP3 player. Electronics were the name of the game this Christmas season at our house.
Thats all hes getting from me!
Well I hope everyone has a great day!!!
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Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
good morning everybody, Today is Thursday, 5 days from Christmas. Yesterday I had a dentist appt. Yuck. I have major work to do. I need 2 crowns. for 2 teeth that decided to crumbled (molars) One was a root canal I had done a couple years ago and One Just broke. I have been putting it off for a long time and just cannot stand it anymore. Well I spent 2 hours in that chair yesterday and I am super soar today. But my dentist rebulit one molar for the crown. Ohh and two cavities filled. I have nice straight clean white teeth but bad teeth run in my family. After that My dh and I had to run to target and Get my 15 yo an Ipod for christmas. That was 1 big present I still needed to get. Now I have just a few little things left and stocking stuffers to pick up this weekend. I need to wrap it all still. my Dh and I argued. at Target about getting the ipod for my son because he has a problem with losing things and things stop working. I am tired of buying him cheap mp3 players that maybe last 2 or 3 months or you can't load music on. So I said just buy the ipod ,it's the best. I hope he doen't lose it. Eaak Or tyler will be hurting'. I have put my tushy on the line. Dh didn't want to spend that much on "something he will just lose." Tyler is an awesome kid. He is never any trouble he is very mature and well mannered and an all around great kid so he deserves it. Bella got a power wheels barbie vw beetle for christmas so watch out If you are driving anywhere in Heartland crossing next week for a 30 pound girl in a big pink Vw beetle. She will run you over
WELL , I have to work later this afternoon so I need to do dishes and straighten up around the house.
Pss. I lost another pound this morning.
I just had "aunt Flo" visit.So I had dropped 3 pounds this week. I love the week after!!! It's the week before, I hold everything
Have a great day...Shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.