I had my 3 mo check up yesterday. It went well. I have officially lost 60 lbs and 10" of my waist since my pre-op visit at the end of Aug!

That's pretty awesome I think. I have been using my weight on the day of my WLS (252) to determine how much I have lost, BUT I guess I can use the weight from Aug (258). I lost like 6 lbs before surgery. Not a lot, but every little bit counts right? :) I'm not really having any real problems to speak of. I get stomach pains while I'm eating every once in a while, but its not all the time and they don't last very long. The things I knew they would get on me about I get on myself about already. I know I don't get enough protein in every day. Some days I do great, but others not so much. The doc told on me to the dietician.

He is a great doc and the NUTs there are great, they really are. They are so caring and concerned for my well-being. I am also having a hard time getting in all my fluids. I am lucky to get in 32-40 oz per day. I know, that's not good. I try, but I get so busy at work I just forget. my NUT told me to start drinking out of a straw and see if that helps. She said sometimes if you just have to reach for something and suck out of a straw it just seems less time consuming than to stop and unscrew a cap, take a sip, and then put the cap back on. Not that doing that takes an enormous amount of time LOL BUT I can see her point. I'm going to try and do that. I just need to get one of those "beer hats" and fill the bottles with water or Crystal Light!

Lastly, I don't take my B complex or my calcium. I bought the pills for both right after surgery and was SO nauseous all the time that I could not stomach taking them. The calcium pills are frikin' horse pills AND I was supposed to take 3 PER meal! I'm like, there is NO way I can take those.

I found some calcium citrate liquid form at GNC. She said that would be good and to also buy some calcium chews for when I'm at work or just out and about, that way I'm getting it all in. I promised her I would start taking all these and I DID take my B complex last night with my vitamin. I don't want to make myself sick and she kind of freaked me out when telling me what can happen to you IF you don't take your B complex.

But, she wasn't mean ot negative about it. She was like, I feel like I'm your Mom and if I could I would be at your front door every day to make sure you take these.

I thought that was sweet. AND she really made my day because (and she may tell everyone this) she told me I was one of her fav patients. She was like, did you know that? I said I had no idea. Not really sure what I did to earn that, but thank you!

She said she thought I was sweet but the thing she noticed about me was I had such pretty teeth and a great smile!

I was like, thank you very much. She said she is trying to tell people how she feels about them more often, especially the women *****ally seem to need it. I told her I thought it was a great idea. So, all in all it wasn't a bad visit, other than the doc had to preform emergnecy surgery that morning so was behind like 2 hrs. That wasn't fun, but you know you can't help emergencies. I also found out they have an exercise room that the patients can use at ANY time. I only work about 10-15 min from there so I could even do that on my lunch break. I was excited about that because I really can't afford a gym right now and its to stinking cold to walk outside.
Ok, well this was a lot longer than I planned. Just wanted to share my semi-good news. LOL Oh, has anyone ever bought the calcium chews? Are they ok tasting and are there certain ones that maybe taste better then others? Hope everyone is having a great Wed!