
(deactivated member)
on 12/18/07 1:37 pm - Terre Haute, IN

It's officially Wednesday, by 26 minutes. I get to start the thread today! Tuesday night,... from 5pm until midnight,... I was working at Sears. Boy was it a long day, after working at my other job all day long. I like working in the mall around this time of year though. Most of the customers are pretty friendly actually, and wishing me Merry Christmas and all. It was actually cool, not too long ago. I got one lady approved for credit, and she was in tears, happy that she could get a washer and dryer. That was nice to feel like I made her happy.  I can't believe it's less than a wee****il Christmas now. This month has flown by. Before I know it, it will be 2008. A whole nother year gone by. When I think of New Year's 2007, life was so different. I was at a different part time job, and had just started my weight loss journey. I was in glasses still, and hadn't ever ridden a horse, or worn tap shoes. I was really a different person in some ways.  I think I'm a happier person at this time, even if the year was hard in some ways. Mostly I mean with the mental aspects. My mood was up and down all year. I started throwing up to cope at times. But I'm working on all that, and getting better each day. I was flattered by someone telling me last week that I am a fighter, and I keep going no matter what gets in my way. That was a nice thing to hear.  So now I'm going to get ready to get some sleep before I have to get up at 6 am and get ready for work. I guess this was a kind of introspective post, but sometimes it's easier to think things out when you're putting them down in words. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday, hump day. 

LaChelle R.
on 12/18/07 8:40 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning all.  Today is my Monday at work, and this is my last week to work before my surgery!!! I am so excited, yet getting a little apprehensive about the upcoming weeks......I guess I am getting a little nervous. It is better to be nervous now, than while I am sitting on the table. Misty, it was so great meeting you and your DH yesterday.  Thanks again for making my day, and visiting with me.  Glad the weather was good to drive in.   I am sore this morning.  I acted like my girls last night and we danced the night away!!!  They wanted to dance, so I found a bunch of older dance songs, and I got up and "cut a rug" with them.  I haven't danced in YEARS!!!! I sure can tell it too! I taught them both how to do a couple dances, and they really thought I was funny looking at first, but by the time I had shown them all the moves, they really enjoyed the dances.  They have promised me that we are going to dance every chance we get at the house, after my surgery.  That is a really good low impact workout, and it really gets you up and moving.  I really enjoyed it, so we will definatly do it again!!! Tonight, I will be helping the teacher at work with the craps class.  I will be "sitting box" for him while he shows the students how to make the proper bets, and placement.  I love that game, and I really have a blast dealing it.  We really know how to make it fun!!! Gotta get in the shower, have a great day and evening! TTYL 8 days and counting! hehe
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 12/18/07 8:52 pm - IN
Good morning all! I havent been doing much of anything the past few days. Trying to wrap up my shopping.  I think I am finally done.  No matter how much you buy, it just doesnt look like enough.  But you have to stop somewhere.  I have been having some stomach discomfort.  I think it is gas, I havent been eating the amount I am suppose to because if I eat the 3 oz.  I am just so bloated feeling.  I go see Dr. Gupta Jan. 2, so I am going to mention it to her, just to make sure it isnt anything else.  Other than that, I am doing fine.  Hope everyone has a great day. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 12/18/07 9:46 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! Today is going to be somewhat busy (for me lately anyway). I'll have my visiting nurse (Yea! a shower!!) this morning. She just needs to change the wound-vac but not draw blood because the dose was changed on Monday (from 4 to 7) so no PI until Friday. I also have a dentist appointment at 2. I'm suppose to go for a cleaning 3 times a year but stuff managed to happen all year so this will be my only visit in 2007. Afterwards, I'm going to run over to Deals. They are kinda like a dollar store so good for stocking stuffers. That, and a nice outfit for Chance is all I need to get yet for the grandkids. The adult kids are really the ones I kinda feel bad about. I got several house things and since all of them live in the same house, I figure it's for all of them..right? Well..I also got a tool set for Rodney, clothes for Tiffany, a pedometer for Jay (one of CVS' nice ones)..but Shellie, my step-daughter? Not much at all. I had ordered her some clothes through Lane Bryant but they are on back-order so she won't be having much at all under the tree. All of the 'kids' have little stuff as well. This year is going to seem very 'slim' to them though. Normally, I really kick off my Christmas shopping with the Covered Bridge Festival. I couldn't do that this time since I was at St. V's/Seton. Also, I'm facing a 35% reduction in pay for a few months so...I did what I could. Besides, Christmas is for the little ones. The one I should really, really feel bad about is Bill. I have not gotten him a single thing. I have discovered that he has gotten me three things. I don't have a clue what any of them are...well, one MIGHT be a big stock pot to do soups with (long story) but other than that, not a clue. Normally, it is the other way around. I did get some more wrapping done yesterday. When I got a little sore though, I quit. I think I'm going to put all the clothes I got each grandkid in 1 box and let them open that 1 box instead of putting each outfit in a box. Let's face it, little kids hate to open clothes anyway and since I'm having such a hard time getting the wrapping done, this may be the perfect way around it. Oh! Yesterday I cooked those goat ribs. I had marinaded them overnight but they were still pretty tough. I had boiled them and then baked them with BBQ sauce. So...if you ever get goat meat, you may want to try to pressure cook it to get it tender enough. I still have a goat roast in the freezer. Bill & I talked about getting a pressure cooker (for gizzard stew!) so I'm going to save it until we do get it. Linda...I view you as a strong lady also! I know. In your viewpoint I am sure you just feel that you do what you have to do but each thing you have been through has made you stronger. I think losing a child has got to be the hardest thing a parent can go through. You not only survived going through that but are there for your other children as well. It is also wonderful for those of us who have been on the board for awhile to see someone come on here pre-op..and see the changes that occur as time goes on. So you are not only strong, but also a very self-improved woman! It is such a pleasure to know you! LaChelle...Someday, Bill & I may have to drive down there to get some craps lessons! He has said it before that he'd like to take some when we go to Vegas. Me, I know nothing at all about the game. I guess that's why I stick to Put money in, pull hanndle or push button...THAT, I can do! LOL! I do like the penny slots though so I get a zillion ways I can win. Jenny...I think the term 'shop till you drop' was coined with people like us in mind! LOL! I have my favorite places to shop every year...and a credit card for those places that I use...and max time a year. I'm thinking that I still have $0 balance on my Victoria Secret and Fashion Bug cards...hmmmmm.... You all have a really good day! I really, really don't want to think about how very close Christmas is! So much to do, so little energy to do it! huggs!!! Sherri ps...keep Larry & Jana in your thoughts this morning, k?


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/18/07 10:49 pm - Avon, IN
Happy Hump Day everyone!!!

Wonderful success for me... I weighed myself this morning and I am officially no longer Obese just overweight... Thank you Thank you!! I also had a physical for work yesterday and my body fat is down to 31% from 57% a year ago... For my body type and size they said I should weigh anywhere from 157-175 so i'm about 25 lbs over weight... Which was very exciting to find out... My blood sugar was normal, cholesterol was great and it was high last year at this time. My health has done a 180 degree turn. Last year my body's age was 40 now it's 23 which is 3 years younger than my whopping 26... I'm just so happy with this decision i made... I know i'm never going to be a size 4... I know that i'll proly never look like J lo but I'm pretty damn hot in my own right and I feel 100% better... I couldn't have given myself a better present...

Hope everyone has a great day and gets everything accomplished that they want to. I have one more gift to buy and I'm done...

Love peace and chicken grease


(deactivated member)
on 12/18/07 11:36 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Congratulations!!! Isn't that such a great feeling to not be obese anymore. It's such a yucky word. I just never liked the sound of it. I have to remind myself of it at times though, "You are not obese anymore." Just to remember that, like when I'm around people and feeling intimidated.
on 12/18/07 11:42 pm - LaGrange, KY
Congrats Jess!! Thats awesome.. (( hugs for Linda)) LaChelle it was awesome meeting you too. Not to mention it got Rich and I out of the house without spending looooads of money thats always a plus. Oh yea plus we ended up coming home with more money than we left with hehehe. Sherri - Happy wrapping lol! I'm in the process of trying to get all mine wrapped too. Jenny - Your doing great!! I get that bloated feeling sometimes too!! Have you tried gas x  to see if it gives you any relief? Well not much happening here today! Yesterday I was sooo wore out I ended up going to bed by 10ish. Heh We went and visited with LaChelle and then decided to take the 20.00 cash (I made him leave the debit card in the car because I know my hubby hehe) and we split it in half he played through his 10.00 and I played on the first 5 dollars I put in for a little over an hour and ended up walking away with almost 60.00. That was fun. I just played the 1 & 2 cent slots hehehe ! Well I need to go get a couple errands run and I'll be back later...
Jenny K.
on 12/19/07 5:03 am - IN
Yes, I do take gas X and it does seem to help.  I have also been taking a fiber laxative w/stool softener because of constipation. I only take that a couple times a week.  I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate and wondered if that is causing the gas because it feels me up so much.  I am trying to lay off of it to see if that makes a difference.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

shanna B.
on 12/19/07 12:26 am - camby, IN

Happy Wednesday, What a fast week, It has flown by. I haven't been on in a while. Last week was my Dh grad. from IWU, In the middle of a snow storm. It was beautiful though. Thought I was gonna get to meet up with Janene in Wabash where we stayed at but the blizzard of "07 kind of hampered those plans. Took us 3 hours, 3 stops, and a 4 wheel drive to get back to Camby. Then I contracted a sinus Infection from my wonderful children, A dentist appt. today which I do not feel like going to. Monday I saw Jessica at Meijer in Camby. I wanted to say Hello but she was talking to someone else, so Jessica if You saw me staring at you like you looked familiar, yes That was me and my daughter. I wanted to say hello but you were visiting with someone else.That was fun to see someone on the boards out and about around me. It alsmost seems like the people on the boards are not really real until you meet them.  I need to get wrapping.I have not even started. I have the paper but have not started. Maybe tonite. I need to get my son An IPOD. I know good luck to me. I have put it off and had dh hus. grad so I am almost done. Bella needs a few more toys/baby dolls and Ty needs an Ipod. My dh husb. needs a single cup coffee pot and I need to pick up stocking stuffers. Reminder to self. DO NOT PUT IN stocking early esp. when the furnace is right above stockings. Bad Idea!!! Have a great day....No More Christmas Cookies...

Oops. I forgot to mention. I am down 31 pounds as of this morning.  I am currently 253.4. Down from 284 from First Pcp appt. and 298 all time highest. Happy Holidays............Shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 12/19/07 3:08 am - Avon, IN
That was in fact me Mam... my best friend lives in Mooresville and we were making sugar free no bake cookies and diabetic chex mix for christmas to give to our co workers and such. I had to go to Meijer to pick up some stuff. I had ran into an old friend from high school... I hadn't seen her in proly 4 years we just talk on Myspace.... YOu should have said something after she left...


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