going to see the kidney specialist 2 morro

on 12/18/07 8:48 am - bluffton, IN
merry xmas everyone and thank everyone who sent me a xmas card-i have them all hung up around my walk way-its begining to look alot like christmas♥my kids are all excited hehehe im going tommoro to see a kidney specialist because my family dr has been dectecting blood-keytones-protein in my urine for 3 months now and before it was just small traces but the last 3 urine test shes done on me have been large amounts of the above detected in my urine and shes concerned so im hoping i find something out 2 morro-i been doing okay other wise-some pain from a ulcer but im okay--oh also i thought blood pressure was supposed to go down after wls? my blood pressure has been 140 over 100 the last few times at the dr?she started me on bpressure medicine- wonder why it has been high ?well enuff babbling i guess hehe weight loss im doing good went from 255 on 8-8 to 163 12-18 from size 22 jeans to a size 14 im only 30 away from my goal--
Amanda P.
on 12/18/07 12:07 pm - Terre Haute, IN
 good luck! i'll be thinking of you!!! I'll be going to the nut tomorrow. Are you going to st v in carmel? anyways, good luck!! ask lots of q's for the dr!

Height: 5'7"


on 12/18/07 12:59 pm - bluffton, IN
thanks! no im not going to st v theres a specialist coming from ft wayne to portland so i have to travel to portland to see him i live closer to ft wayne but i guess he travels all over ne indiana so they gave me his 1st avaliable and that is in portland its only like 45 min drive but im ready to find out whats going on----welp ttyl
Jenny K.
on 12/18/07 8:55 pm - IN
Good luck Missy!  I hope they dont find anything serious, but fine some answers for you. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 12/19/07 12:42 am - Thorntown, IN
OMG, you are doing fantastic girl! I am thinking of you today &  sending some (((((hugs))))) your way- hope everything turns out ok for you! (((((more hugs))))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 12/19/07 1:10 am - bluffton, IN
im getting ready to go cuz my apt is at 2 today thank u for your encouragment! ill keep you posted when im back ♥missy
on 12/19/07 5:40 am - Wabash, IN
huggggggggggs missy....hope you get to feeling beter for Christmas.

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

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