Good mornin' my Indiana Posse!
Sorry I haven't posted all weekend...but we went shopping in Ft. Wayne on Saturday before the snow hit...and then Saturday night some freinds stopped over. Yesterday Mark got out and tried to get the danged snow blower to running...but it didn't run for long so he had to shovel the driveway...poor guy...I did get out for a bit and helped shovel the sidewalk...but not for long..I was freeezing and my legs were killing me...this arthritis has to GO and my legs just ache..ever since surgery. Anyway I got a WONDERFUL Christmas Present oldest son called me! He is stationed in Norfolk on the USS Iwo Jima and I hadn't heard from him in a few months...they have been out on sea trials...and he also said he was going to be deployed AGAIN next year...he will be gone for 6 - 9 months this time
and will be gone for christmas next year too. He did say he would be home next summer
Please say a prayer for all those men and women and their families who are in the service and standing watch for us!
To all of y'all who are having surgery today and this week...Happy Road Trip!!!!!!!! To y'all who just had surgery,.. Hang in there....its worth it!

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Happy Monday!!
The Elavil seems to be helping quite a bit with the pain, I'm not getting it near as often now (so I'm really thinking that it is the Esophageal spasms) and it's not AS bad when I do get them. Being an anti depressant though I feel really groggy and sooo mellow it's not funny. I guess in a way I like that because atleast I'm not crying or not really feeling sad or bummed out but I just don't feel like me, but oh well it's helping with the pain and stuff therefore I need it.
I kept the little bit that I ate over the weekend down both days except for twice which is good because last week I couldn't even keep water down for a few days.
Things are really looking better.
Hi all,
Well, I did my 'bouncing' at Curves this morning, always feel a little more energetic after some exercise. Had a protein H2O with my coffee (not much of a breakfast eater-I know...
It's pretty and bright out the window today with all that white stuff and the sunshine, I 'bout need sunglasses in the house!
Looks like it will b a white Christmas with another storm coming this weekend.
I asked our 'daughter' if she would build a snowman outside our living room window so that Peter can enjoy it, she may after school today. I think I can find a Yellow KOA hat for it, and maybe a black scarf. I think it will make Peter giggle when he sees it.
waiting...waiting...waiting... we're hoping that we will get good news this week from the transplant unit, we need to get his bone marrow soon. Hope to hear something by thursday, so pray that this latest search found a match and that we'll be going in after the new year!
Everyone have a good Monday!