
on 12/17/07 1:27 am - LaGrange, KY
I have to admit I've been sooo depressed recently and I don't really know that much of it has to do with my surgery as much as just everything in general. I am blessed because food was not my coping mechanism and therefore I didn't self medicate that way sooo I've not even tried to turn to food for comfort. I must say I'm soo thankful for Dr. Cacucci being as observant as she is just for the simple fact that I am so embarrassed by my depression that I would NEVER have brought it up. She seen right through me (or was it the fact that I broke down and got teary eyed the past two times that I've seen her) and in not so many words reassured me that I was normal still, and she even mentioned that with everything I've been through the past 4.5 months if I wasn't depressed she would be surprised. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes as I type this because I'm just thankful that I have all of you for support. I had some mild depression preop but I had always blamed that on my weight and the health problems that I've had. Since surgery obviously with some issues I've had and then the chronic bronchitis and asthma flare ups even I just feel sooo overwhelmed most days. I'd be willing to bet that this is part of the reason that I'm always soo fatigued and what not also (some of it is my anemia and all I'm sure but some of it I know is the depression). The Lexapro I was put on post op sent me into fits of rage and the worst mood swings I've ever had and soooo I was really worried about trying something else, not that I would have brought it up anyways because I've been too ashamed.. I'm glad that she prescribed the Elavil because other than feeling pretty mellow and stuff it's helping me, and not just emotionally. Wow this is turning into a book but I just really wanna say thanks to you all again. I have never really felt comfortable talking about this topic because I'm scared people will think that I'm loony or something like that, so I've always been the one to put on the happy face in real life. Anyways I'm gonna end this now but I can't say enough how much you all mean to me!!! Love yas
on 12/17/07 2:00 am - Avon, IN
Well don't be embarassed!! Depression medicine is a God send and without it i would've killed someone pre op... i have been lucky enough to not need it YET post op but i know it's there if I need it.. My husband has been on it for years... it helps... it's wonderful.. and God made doctors so that we could help ourselves... Depression is a natural thing, especially with all you've been through Hon... take care of you and hold your head high... there is no reason to be ashamed of taking depression meds... it just shows that you're strong enough to get the help you need!! :hugs: take care of you...


on 12/17/07 2:05 am
Talk it out with us.  We like to share and hold each other both accountable and loving.  This is the time of year when the humdrums set in.  I hope you find an activity that allows you to channel your feelings.  I use exercise for now and freak out when I can't get it in.  It is easy to fall back into the food habit.  Food taste so good and is pleasing. I was told not to lose anymore weight and work on gaining muscle mass.  I am at 12% body fat which is at the moderate to low end for a male.  I am trying to get to 9% body fat then will stop.  I will be at 189 then and that is about 19 more lbs then my goal that was 170.   We need to set goals that can be reached and healthy.  The BMI is NOT a good judge of health.   Don't worry what people think, just help yourself be the best you can be and be a light to others with their problems and goals. E

2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou has done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

on 12/17/07 2:52 am - Wabash, IN
Misty~ don't be embarrassed...I am thankful your doc saw it in you also...there is no sin in taking depresion meds...the sin comes when you refuse to see that you need them. You saw the need and you are doing something about it...GREAT! Take care of YOU...that is what you did when you had the surgery..chose to take care of that anyway you have embarrassment....we are your friends...extended family...vent...cry..laff..thats why we are here! HUGGGGGGGGGGS, Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

(deactivated member)
on 12/17/07 3:31 am - Terre Haute, IN
Don't be embarrassed. Lots of people, me include, need medication to feel alright. It's no shame. Atleast it shouldn't be. Our society is coming around in that way. There are so many changes in your body and life after surgery, I'm more surprised by the people who sail through, than those with some bumps in the road. I would also add, you might want to hook up with a counselor to talk to, also. Talk therapy can be just as helpful as medications. I have a psychologist, and she has been wonderful to help me get through the ups and downs post-op. 
on 12/17/07 3:46 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks so much for the support you all. Linda - I've been debating on finding someone to talk to a lot lately. I'm just so unsure where to go. Do I go to someone who deals with food issues even though that's not really the cause of my depression or do I go to just someone in general. I didn't have my Psych eval with Dr. Stote I just picked someone out of the phone book and asked if they could do my evaluation for bariatric surgery and I took a copy of the paper St V's gives you of their criteria of issues they want touched on basically. Nothing has ever been mentioned about following u*****thing. Sometimes I wish I'd gone to St. V's but I've been sooo good at putting on the happy face for everyone that I don't know.
(deactivated member)
on 12/17/07 4:01 am - Terre Haute, IN
I would start by calling St. V. Ask to talk to or leave a message for Dr. Stote. Even though he didn't do your evaluation. You could tell him what kind of problems you're having and ask for a referral. If you don't feel comfortable talking to him because you didn't meet him, you might try talking to Linda, the nurse practitioner there. I talked with her about my issues with throwing up and she was very kind and helpful. She really wanted me to feel better and be successful with my surgery. She could probably give you a referral too. Personally, I wouldn't go to someone who seems to just specialize in food issues, if you don't think that's your main issue. A general practitioner in psychology could help with food issues if they came up, but would have more wide ranging experience. Just my humble opinion though. My psychologist is a 'general practitioner' and we've worked on lots of different issues for me.
on 12/17/07 4:56 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks I think I'll make some phone calls tomorrow.
Julie Boyd
on 12/17/07 8:20 am - highland, IN

Misty honey just like everyone said we have all taken meds for depression at one time or another and some are still taking it.
You don't be embarrassed or affraid to tell anyone about it. Talk to us and like linda said find a doc to talk to you will fill so much better. I still do and I tell ya if I didn't have him to talk to some time's I think I would be totally crazy.

On a lighter note Aren't we all a little crazy at times.
We love you Misty and you will be just fine. So don't give up, and keep movin on. You are a great insperration to alot of us. I don't know if I could have handeled everything you have delt with this past month's. You are a stong woman!!! Keep it up.

We are all here for you.

Love ya,



Surgery day- 12/11/2007

"If it aint my problem then it aint a problem" 




Gail O.
on 12/17/07 9:01 am - indianapolis, IN
Misty, I have had depression for years, I also can't slow nights, I have panic attacks and anixity. I see my counselor every 2 weeks. He told me that all the hospital stays and surgeries I had. I have the right to be depressed with all I have been though this year. My depession has been worst since my 1st surgery. I feel better knowing we are not alone. And everyone here can help. You are in my prayers. Hugs and Blessings, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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