Getting back on track

Hope P.
on 12/16/07 1:31 am - Middlebury, IN
Hi all! After getting the news about Peter's blood disease (pre-lukemia) I began grazing WAY too much on all the wrong things. Falling back into my bad habits(emotional eater), I gained 20lbs (over 3 months)! So I made my way to the docs office last week, and talked with her and had an adjustment (fill). Now I'm down 6lbs again , and I'm focusing on my health so that I can be there for Peter when he has his bone marrow transplant (no match yet). I'm back to going to Curves 3xs a week, and watching how much I eat. I'm going to go to the support groups up until I have to go to Indy too, so I don't fall apart again! So now I'm focusing on the fact that I'm just 35lbs from my goal, and if I get there I will be in better health for running the campground myself this year (Peter will be out of commision for the entire camping season). Our son will be helping out, as well as extra staff we hired, so I will be able to help Peter too. I'll be living in the Indy area for a month after Peter's transplant (don't know when that starts yet), so I may be able to meet up with some of you, will keep you posted. Well, happy to be heading in the right direction again! Hope
For if God is with us, who (what) shall be against us?

on 12/16/07 1:45 am - Lawrence, IN

Hope, Good to hear from you again, and glad you're moving in the right direction again.  You and Peter are in our thoughts and prayers.  Let us know when you find out when you'll be in Indy.  Love to see you again.  Please keep us informed on how things are going.


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(deactivated member)
on 12/16/07 2:28 am - Terre Haute, IN
You can do this. We have faith in you. Taking care of yourself is good for your family too. It will have you in the best possible shape to be a support to them. 
on 12/16/07 3:26 am - Thorntown, IN
Hope,  I am so glad you are taking time for yourself during all of this. I know it is easier to neglect our needs when our loved ones are in crisis, so I am happy you took charge! Know Dana & I are thinking of you and Peter. Keep us posted on when,where,etc. and we will try to see you when you are here. If there's anything we can do for you, let us know! We hope to come camping next yr. sometime with you-we just loved our trip there!Email me anytime,'k?!! ((((hugs))))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Cindy P.
on 12/17/07 12:00 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hi Hope.  I'm so glad you sought out the support you need right now.  It is so easy to neglect ourselves when we are worrying over our loved ones.  But we will be stronger for them if we take care of ourselves.  I'll keep you and Peter in my thoughts.

on 12/17/07 9:25 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Hope, I do hope that you guys get word soon that a donor match has been found. In the meantime, I'm glad that you are back on track with taking care of yourself. I would guess that your sessions at Curves is just as  beneficial for you mentally as is physically. I think we all need something that can take our minds off our problems now & then. I hope that while you guys are in Indy that we'll be able to get together some. Will Peter be in the hospital that entire time or will he be staying in a hotel, etc with you so that it would be easier to make it to freq uesnt doctor/hospital visits? You both are in our thoughts & prayers. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
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