
on 12/11/07 7:26 pm - LaGrange, KY
Just thought i'd start this morning's thread since I'm up. Yesterday/last night was rough. I ended up going to our local ER because of it. The past few days I've been getting this very bad nagging pain in my chest/tummy right between my breasts. I thought I'd just pulled a muscle from coughing or something but never thought it was anything I couldn't handle. Well starting Monday evening I started getting sick after dinner, I thought okay it's just my pouch not agreeing with the fish I ate or something. Well yesterday the pain was a little worse and was absolutely taking my breath away and I really wasn't sure it was surgery related so I didn't want to call Dr Cacucci. I was thinking maybe I had a stomach bug thats been going around (which didn't explain the pain but it explained the bad day before with the constant potty trips and the getting sick) Well by 6 pm last night I hadn't held ANYTHING down at all all day and when I put stuff in my feeding tube I would heave and have some vomiting of stomach bile. Well when I went in last night the pain was (and still is) pretty constant. They did give me fluids though to make sure I didn't get any more dehydrated. The ER doc gave me some more Phennergan and Zofran via the IV (I had been taking it all day yesterday with no relief) and he also gave me a GI ****tail (that had stuff in it to numb everything from my mouth down into my GI tract) and that provided SOME relief. He told me he thinks since it gave me some relief that he thinks that it may be an ulcer and that I need to call Dr C's office first thing this morning. Sooo I guess thats what I'll be doing. I've been up for a couple hours now because the pain woke me up again. It's pretty constant and miserable. I've been trying to sip and get a little bit of fluid in and so far i've gotten probally bout a half oz in and actually kept it in. I had an ulcer at 3 weeks post op and I don't remember any pain like this at all though so I am not really sure what the deal is. Either way I just feel plain out crummy. The sinuses and all seem like theyre doing a lil better today thank goodness. I hope y'all have a better day than what I'm having so far!!!! This is just plain craziness...
LaChelle R.
on 12/11/07 7:54 pm - Erie, PA
Morning all. Misty, I hope you are getting better soon. Yesterday was hectic, and that was why I didn't get the chance to call you. We will get together once you are feeling better. I have my hemotology clearance today. Joy joy joy!!! More blood drawn!  Nurse LOL  I am wondering if I will have any blood left by the time the day is here!  I know I will, but it just seems that way anyway. Doctor  Can anyone tell me what they do at the hemo clearance? I am just curious. Also, on Friday, I meet with the vascular surgeon......for the vascular clearance, and to determine if I have to have the IVF put in.  Doctor  I personally want it put in, but that will be for him to determine.  How many of you had the IVF put in before surgery? How did that go, and did you have any trouble afterward? Have a wonderful day all.  I think tonight, we will be decorating the tree.  Christmas Lights   Tangled Lights I hadn't really wanted to put one up this year, since I just KNOW that it won't be taken down until after the new year, and I just don't like that at all. Christmas Tree  It has always been a family time to get the tree put up, and always a MOM do it in taking it down! LOL  Oh well, we will have one anyway, if I have to buy one of the 1 foot real trees in the planter box, Tree  just for the girls to have this year.  Have a wonderful day.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 12/11/07 8:59 pm - Lawrence, IN
Good Morning Everyone, Misty...hope you get to feeling better soon. LaChelle...Good luck at your appointments.  They'll be all over soon and your surgery will be here before you know it. Yesterday I found out that I was selected for a promotion so I'm busy cleaning some things up on my desk before I move to the new job.  I imagine it will be in about two weeks.  I'm actually going to be working for Brenda's old boss before she got her latest promotion.  He's very nice and I think I'll like it.  Still hard to leave such a wonderful job and boss that I have now. It was great seeing so many at the Ornament Exchange and look forward to the Clothing Exchange to see you again.   Hope everyone has a great day! Floyd

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Jenny K.
on 12/11/07 9:37 pm - IN
Good morning all! Misty~ I hope you get to feeling better soon.  Hopefully, it is nothing. Lachelle~ Hope everything comes out well with your tests. BTW what is an IVF? Floyd~ Congratulations on your promotion.  It is never easy to leave a job especially if you like the co-workers and the job.  But a promotion is always good. Hopefully my day is slow today.  I was busier than crap yesterday with ambulance calls.  Made me late to my daughters Christmas sing, but at least I got there before she sang. So that is all that matters.  Well hopefully everyone has a great day. Jenny 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 12/12/07 6:27 am - Erie, PA
Jenny, and IVF is a small wire mesh filter put into the deep veins coming up from your legs. It is a filter to catch blood clots. It is just a precaution since my family has such a high risk for blood clots as it is. I will find out on Friday if I need one. My Hematologist today said I most likely won't have to have one, since the blood clots in my family aren't considered to be hereditary. They are only due to immobilization, so that is a good thing to keep in mind!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 12/11/07 10:02 pm - Wabash, IN

Mornin' my Indiana Posse! Well most of the snow up here is melted...but more snow is coming after midnight tonight....but not too much. Today DEFINATELY has to be finish christmas cards! Lordy! I have been doing and BUT I am soooooooooooo BLESSED to be able to DO! I am loving every minute of the holidays this year! Misty, bless your heart...get to feeling better SOON so you can enjoy the holidays! LaChelle..ALMOST THERE!!!!!! I am sure you will pass all tests with flying reindeer...(lol colors....but it is CHRISTMAS!) Floyd...CONGRATS!  Jenny...glad you were able to make it to hear your daughter sing! It always made my heart feel like bursting every time I went to one of my son's programs! Y'all have a great day and if you are out shopping....Watch out for those who cramp your style! (ankle bumbs with the carts!) LOL



Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

vicki S.
on 12/11/07 10:14 pm - indianapolis, IN


on 12/11/07 11:33 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! We're going to FINALLY have our anniversary dinner tonight! It was our 7th anniversary on Nov. 24th. We usually go to Red Lobster to celebrate...and I know sounds funny, but we usually bring Bill's mom with us. Since she started dating Bob, her dance card is SO full that tonight is the first time she can join us! Bob is joining us too. I know, how sweet...a double date! LOL! They are so sweet to watch. There's nothing like watching two 82 yr old lovebirds. They are so attentive of each other. So...I'm looking forward to a nice rock lobster! Usually I have to debate on what to have because I also love crab legs but I love the ones at our local oriental buffet (they are SO easy to crack open compared to RL). And I'm not in the mood for steak since we just had it. So...YUM Lobster! Oh..I don't do butter with it so I get the protein, not the high fat. I'm thinking about asking Bill if he's up to some shopping after dinner tonight. It'll be a good way to walk off the It seems like it's alot easier for me to go shopping, etc these days if I'm already dressed (in other than pj's) and going somewhere else. Bill mentioned going shopping yesterday but getting dressed just seemed too much like work to me. So..maybe tonight will work..if I'm not already zapped anyway. Oh..and if the wound-vac's battery is ok. That darn thing is suppose to hold a charge for 8 hours but mine starts getting low on battery juice after 2-3 hours. And no, I don't have a lighter adapter for it..and I doubt if Burlington's would appreciate me finding a socket there to plug in Oh well, like so much in my life, we'll see. Floyd..congrats on your promotion! Maybe this boss will stay in Indy more and make work a little more interesting, huh? You know, I need to have a talk with you about there. My daughter has alot of interested in becoming an AA. She has no college at all though. Do they do testing or something? Do they consider people who don't have a business degree? I would love to see Tiffany get a job doing something she enjoys and something she can grow in rather than being in the deli at WalMart.  Misty...I hope Dr. Cacucci is ablle to get to the root of your problem. Sorta sounds like a bleeding ulcer to me since the pain is there 24/7 and not just after you eat. I would guess that you'll be having another endo today or tomorrow. Let us know what happens, k? Ellen...Where are you girl? I miss seeing you on here! Gail...WOO-HOO!!!!! I thought you were going to try a daily post? Let's see those computer skills at work! LaChelle...Good luck on all those releases. I didn't have to do any of them. I went through the 6 hour pre-op testing at St. V's and that was it. They sure are making you jump through some hoops! ANGIE.....It was SO terrific talking with you yesterday girl! I have missed you so much. I think we could have talked for hours...wait, we almost did! LOL! Megan...It was so nice visiting with you yesterday. I know Tiffany hated it that she couldn't make it here while you were here. I'm glad she has a friend...especially right now with all of this going on with Rodney. You all have a terrific day today!! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
megan K.
on 12/11/07 11:59 pm - beech grove , IN
shanna B.
on 12/12/07 12:18 am - camby, IN

Goos Wednesday Morning everybody, I am gettign ready to drop Bella off at Babysitter.Off to work I go. Closing shift aarrgghh. I was suppose to be off at 4 but one of the other Mgrs. needed me to swith.My Dh husbnd is sub bowling tonite so he gets to take the kids. Ty doesn't like it but Bella loves the bowling Alley/aka the Arcade in the Bowling Alley. This Sat. my Dh is grad. from Iwu in Marion with his Associates in Business. After many long years. then he goes right back in Jan. for the Bachelors program. He will be done Next Dec.(he has all his credits from the Navy that Trans.)SO it will not take that long. Hopefuly he can leave the correctional Fac. and find something in Management. He wants Hotel or Whatever aslong as it pays better than the state.  Well I better get moving. _Lachelle sorry We missed you at OE. I was looking forward to meeting you. _Floyd. Good luck with your new position.

_Sherri. Enjoy your Anniversary dinner. I can not eat seafood but wish I could because sometimes you get really sick of meat and chix.The thought makes me queay, the same with tomatoes.Life would be sooo much easier for me If I could. (more choices.) _misty. hope you feel better Hope to see you at the clothing exchange. Everybody else have an Awesome Wednesday.  Shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


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