Holy Crap - I have a Surgery Date!
I knew it was coming. I even knew they were going to call me today to schedule the dang surgery but now it is real, really, really, real. Oh, crap. Can I really do this? Can I have surgery to lose weight? Can I eat mushies?
To be honest, the surgery doesn't scare me at all. I have every confidence in my surgery and the procedure. I am somewhat concerned about the restrictions and post-op stuff (how long it will be until I can resume being a mommy, eating mushies [i have texture issues], etc) but I know that this will be so worth it. I am so in need of this surgery. My body just fights my every desire and effort to lose weight and it is so defeating both physically and emotionally. It has taken its toll on me, my body, my emotions, my marriage, etc. I can't let the fat win. I won't succumb to this. I know being thinner won't make me happy but it will make certain things so much easier and more enjoyable.
Hooray! Good for you! If you don't mind me asking....when is your surgery?
I had the same fears about mine. I guess they are normal fears. The mushy foods weren't really too bad to get through though. Beans have been an answer to prayer for me. Also, SF popsicles. They at least have some texture. I'm thrilled for you Kimmy!
Yay for you! You will do fine. I will admit eating the food afterwards is a little hard, but you will do it. It isnt too bad until the last couple weeks, then you are like blah, I cant eat this anymore, but you just have to keep eating and look forward to that next food phase. I ate lots of popsicles. The SF Diet Rootbeer, Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Orange crush are really good. I ate lots of cottage cheese, refried beans, oatmeal, yogurt, cheese. It isnt that bad, its just the same foods for a little over a month. Good luck with your surgery.