clothing exchange...........
Here is Dawns post from way back when telling when all the next exchanges are. You are right a lb is a lb, they all count !!!
Post Date: 10/29/07 6:38 pm
Hi everyone,
My boss let me schedule the next Clothing Exchange today and as I was picking the date, he said want to schedule more while we have the calendar up and have some openings??? SO I said sure- boy will they be surprised, no more last minute dates, lots of time for planning, hopefully a very large number available to come!!! YEAH!!
So here it goes
January 5, 2008
April 12, 2008
July 19, 2008
ALL from 11-3
Hope this works for MANY- I know that it is never possible to fit EVERYONES Schedule, but I have tried!
Hope everyone had a great day!
PS-- I think we are REALLY getting to go home on HALLOWEEN-
Have a great tomorrow! Hugz Dawnwe went by the house today and it really looks like they MAY finally be finished! I may not be on board alot in the next few days trying to get moved back home!! WOOHOO-
So again THANKS to everyone that has helped and kept us in your thoughts and prayers!
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.
Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this, lol...I am just getting it from an older post.
The name of the school is Irvington Community School
You can take 465 around to
East Washington street
and then head west on Washington to turn left and then left on Julian!
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.
Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality