Tuesday Morning!

LaChelle R.
on 12/10/07 7:33 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning all........man am I tired!!! I really wish I could just crawl back in the bed, but I can't. Today I have to work at the school. We are having the "Secret Santa Shop" today, so I get to do that!  At least I don't have to wrap presents there! LOL Hope everyone has a great day! I will be on tonight, if anyone wants to chat again! That was fun!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 12/10/07 7:48 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Good morning !! I am nice and tired myself LaChelle.  I said I was getting off the computer last night to go to bed, but I ended up staying up later on this thing, now I'm wishing I wouldn't have, lol. I might be on to chat again, just depends.  Not much going on here today except the normal "taxi" service (kids going in all different directions ) Tonight we have a catered dinner to go to for christmas and the send off of my husband and his fellow guards, time is almost here for me to be married but yet still feel like I'm a single parent, thanks to the good ol president. Well I wont get on that soap box, I could go on forever.  Hope every one has a great day.  I'm going back to bed for sure today as soon as the last kid is off to school. 

Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore www.youravon.com/uthompson or message me for more info.

   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


Jenny K.
on 12/10/07 8:40 pm - IN
Good morning!  I am tired as well, must be the weather.  I am at work today. My daughter is in swinging sounds at her school so I have a Christmas program tonight.  It is going to be rush, rush this evening.  I get off work at 5 but I will probably leave around 4:30, so we can get supper before we have to go the the program.  Just saw on the weather that Central Indiana may be getting freezing rain tomorrow night.  I just hope it is not much, because then I will be busy at work taking ambulance calls from people crashing.   Hope everyone gets some much needed rest tonight and has a good rest of the day. Jenny 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 12/10/07 10:03 pm - indianapolis, IN
on 12/10/07 10:27 pm - Newburgh, IN
good morning everybody!
on 12/10/07 10:30 pm
Boy I could use some sleep too!!!!!!!  I sure was hoping for school cancelations today.... but it has to be world war three before my school will cancel.... sadly... have a good day!
on 12/10/07 10:50 pm - Rockport, IN
Good Morning Everyone!   My goodness the board is busy, busy, busy this morning.  I've been out of touch for a few days and have a lot to catch up on! My sister had emergency surgery on Saturday so I had to miss the ornament exchange.  I can't wait to read all of the posts about it.  I really hated to miss it but I was pretty worried about my sister.  I've never heard of emergency surgery for kidney stones.  She had to have something put in her kidneys to disolve them.  The surgeon also put a stint in to hold the passage open so they will pass easily.  She's been in some pretty bad pain but she says a lot of "sludge" is passing.  She goes back tomorrow.  I'm praying today is a good day for her.  She's been dealing with a lot of depression.  We took a poinsettia to her after her surgery and my daughter made her a christmas tree book mark out of craft foam.  It was sweet.  Needless-to-say, we didn't get to surprise her with the soup and christmas tree decorating either. I have a board meeting tonight.  It's our Christmas board meeting so we have dinner and our spouses get to come with us.  Troy hates these!  It's not much fun I have to admit. Hope everyone has a great day.  Those of you with my email address from the directory should email me about the ornament exchange.  I'd love to see pictures too!  I'm hoping to make the clothing exchange in january.  It's on my parents 45th wedding anniversary so I'm not sure yet. Hope everyone has a great day! Jacqui
on 12/10/07 11:14 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! Grrrr...this darn wound-vac is driving me nuts today! It is being so noisy! It has been every since the visiting nurse changed it yesterday. I had my ear plugs in last night so the noise wouldn't keep me up and instead, I kept waking up because I'd turn my head just right in my sleep and the ear plus would bug me! And of course, then I'd have to go potty too! I was up 5 times during the night! Jee****hink I'll be getting a nap in today! I baked a huge pork roast over night...so yum, does my house smell good! After it cools down good, I am going to make pulled pork with it. The meat is really tender. Oh..and last night for dinner, I fixed us steaks that I had marinated like the ones in my profiles steak recipe. Let me tell you people, that was the most tender steak I have ever had! Since my RNY, it has been very difficult for me to eat any beef that wasn't ground up so for me to be able to enjoy steak? That was heaven to me. So...if you miss your beef, check out my profile & how I marinade it. Of course, beef will never be my #1 meat anymore (seafood is!) since it is the meat that is the highest in fat content. While I was at Kroger yesterday, they also had goat meat! I have never tried or cooked goat meat but it looked very lean so I got some. I got a cut that looks like it would roast well. And I also got 3 pks that look like they'd do good as ribs. If anyone has any experience with goat meat, let me know...k? Now..I did pass on the pig & chicken feet they had there. I'm just not THAT in touch with my southern roots! Although..if they had frog legs there, I probably wuld have gotten some of them..haha! Well..I see that there are lots of posts to read today so I'm gonna get busy! Have a really good day today! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/11/07 2:15 am - Elwood, IN
Good afternoon ya'all!  How goes the rat race...are the rats still winning? What a miserable looking day outside today. I wish if there was gonna be precipitation, that it would be snow. Not rain, not ice...SNOW! I know a lot of ya hate that 4 letter word, but... I am SOOO ready to eat some more solid foods. I'm also having trouble getting my protein in. I got some Isopure, but let me tell ya, that stuff isn't tastey. ICK The nutritionalist told me I could mix it with juice. That helped some, but UGH. I haven't been getting out to walk either 'cause it's been so nasty out. UGH I wish I had a treadmill. How long are post ops on lift restrictions usually? I forgot to ask when I saw the Doc. DUH...Now I know why everyone says to write stuff down before you see the Dr. I forgot EVERYTHING I was gonna ask. I'm returning to work on Sunday night. I lift a lot at my job, so I'll have to call down and ask about that. I hope everyone has a great day today! Try to stay warm and dry!!
on 12/11/07 3:32 am - Rockport, IN
I just had my 6 week post op on Thursday and Dr. Diaz said I have no lifting restrictions now.  You're still pretty fresh out so I'd be careful.  I know when I did laundry, I was about 3-4 weeks out, my incision by my belly button really hurt.  I didn't use a clothes basket either.  I just picked up what I could out of the dryer and carried them to the couch to fold there.  After that, Troy did the carrying for me until I got the ok from Dr. Diaz. Please be careful. Jacqui
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