Ok, now, not only do I have my two little terrors in the house, but I have agreed to babysit for a co-worker until 11 pm tonight for 2 more little girls! LOL One is 2 and the other is 6. At least the little one is almost totally potty trained! hehehe!!! She walked in here and handed me a new pull up and said "I need a new diaper on!" She took the other one off and threw it away. When she put the other pull up on, she proudly exclaimed "I'm a Big Kid Now!" just like the commercial!!!
Man, I don't miss those days at all, but it was just so cute!!! Thank goodness the other little girl brought her homework, and now all 3 of the older ones are doing homework! LOL It is so funny to sit back and listen to them all chatting away. They have only met one other time, yet they act like they have know each other a lifetime!!! That is so good and cute!!! Memories!!! Ahhhhh, the life of a child!

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
So I have 2 children. Tyler is 15 1/2 and Bella is 2. 3 next Month. Potty Training...AAARRGGGHHH! Help.She refuses. She is so Freakin' smart that everything I try she out thinks me on. We try rewarding her with treats.Yeah not even that works. She has her own princess potty, we tried singing on the potty,racing to the potty. I feel like a failure. Boys are so much easier than girls. I will upload our Christmas pic. Check them out. Too cute. (if i do say so myself) Not spoiled at all. LOL One day she will get it, I guess when she is ready.
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Ok...I dont say this often....but I have to admitt...they are too cute!!! I'd take them home and keep them but only after u get her potty trained...LOL
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Here's some potty training suggestions...tried and worked on either my daughter..or her daughter..
1. No more pull-ups. Use 'big girl' training panties only. Put plastic panties over them when going somewhere.
2. Have the child assist in the cleaning of the panties. It took Tiffany exactly one time of having to get her hands on poopied panties to quit having BM's in her panties! (We got the worst of it off in the toilet..and then I took over and 'shouted' out the rest!) Also, with the training panties, your floor may get an overflow so have her help clean that up as well. I know. lots of germs...use antibacterial soap for her hands afterwards, but use lots of 'yuckie!' 'gross!' words while she's cleaning up her mess. Yeah, I know, you'll have to clean up again after she gets done but she will definately get where she doesn't want to have to clean up after herself and will be sure the 'yuckie' goes in the potty instead.
I was told when my kids were babies that the time to start potty training is when they know that their diaper is soiled and tries to take it off. Both of my kids were potty trained at 18 months. My granddaughter Myranda started at about 2 but didn't really 'get it' until about 2.5. My other granddaughter Shyanne is just now starting and she turn 2 in September. Every kid is different.
Good luck...Oh..and never let a kid know that she's out-thinking you! Once you let her know that you think that, you are in trouble.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thanks Pamela,
They are might light, the reason I live, the reason I am on Zoloft. LOL I have never seen a 2 yo so dang smart, it is scary. She counts and singa her abc's, tries to tie her shoes. Has the memory of an Elephant, she does. She doen't forget anything, ever. To smart for her own good. Tyler you never know is around. He is very quiet and docile, and a great kid. Thanks shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.