Bad news

on 12/6/07 6:31 am - Kokomo, IN
I had my pre-op tests today and didn't get very good news.  Most of my blood work was elevated.  It's my own fault for most of it......I haven't always been taking my meds for diabetes, cholesterol and triglycerides......stupid, stupid, stupid.  My liver enzymes and thyroid was also elevated.  I'm not sure why they are.  My doc has done T-4 test (I think) for thyroid and they've always been okay.....even though I have most of the symptoms of thyroid problems. They did a TSH test.  The liver enzymes I don't know about.....I had them elevated twice......from the Zocor I used to take and when I had pancreatitis last spring.  They told me in ER (here in Kokomo) that I could have a gallstone in my liver, but they didn't check it out.......I had my gallbladder out 26 yrs. ago.  My grandmother had that happen about 30-40 yrs. after her gallbladder was taken it's possible. The internist is going to call Dr. Huse, but he says that as long as everything is this high I may not be able to have surgery.  Of course at the end of the year my insurance changes, so I don't know if I could have it later if not this month.  I am really glad that they have all of these tests before to make sure your health is as good as possible before surgery, so that there's less chance of complications.  I haven't been feeling real well......exceptionally tired, etc. so I have been really concerned about having this surgery.......I guess I had a good reason to feel this way. Sorry this is so long.......just had to vent some. Candy
on 12/6/07 6:34 am
you can vent here all you want no need to hold it in and get those meds in ok
on 12/6/07 6:42 am - LaGrange, KY
I hope you get things figured out and taken care of. (( HUG ))
on 12/6/07 1:21 pm - Kokomo, IN

Thanks for the hug, Misty......I needed it. Candy

on 12/6/07 11:40 am - New Castle, IN
Hang in there Candy.  This are things you need to know to get yourself healthy. and you need to be healthy to undergo another surgery. You will make it. Terri
                                Glitter Graphics 
on 12/6/07 1:25 pm - Kokomo, IN
Hi Terri, I agree with you about needing to be healthy.  I've decided that whatever happens, happens.   I was upset at first, but mainly at myself for not taking my meds.  I just felt like I failed again. Have you gone back in to find out about your cardio?  If so what was going on?  Is your surgery still on ......for tomorrow, isn't it? If so, good luck and I'll be thinking about you. Candy
Jessica S.
on 12/6/07 1:02 pm - Noblesville, IN
Try not to worry too much, because who knows?  Maybe things are only slightly elevated and Dr. Huse will feel comfortable proceeding with surgery.  Did you also have an ultrasound of your liver?  If not, they'll probably suggest that, it could help detect stones or other causes of the elevated liver enzymes.  Unfortunately, one common problem with obesity is the fatty liver buildup, which can cause liver enzymes to be 2-3 times normal.  I wouldn't think that would delay surgery ... heck, it's just one more reason to do surgery and try to save the liver from further obesity damage!  If the thyroid is truly off, it's easy enough to fix ... TSH is usually considered the most sensitive test for it.  Please don't give up, and keep us updated!
on 12/6/07 1:37 pm, edited 12/6/07 1:38 pm - Kokomo, IN

Hi Jessica.  I'm not sure what all of my tests were, but the Internist said that my cholesterol was off the chart (if that is as high as I think it is, then it's a first also) and my glucose was 204 (fasting).  So they aren't just slightly elevated.  It's my own fault because as I said before I haven't been taking the meds like I should.  I haven't had an ultrasound of my liver. Nobody has called me today (yesterday, now) to let me know anything.  I was surprised about the liver because I have lost some weight since I started this varies, but I've lost between 8-11 lbs., depending on what day it  I only weigh 198 lbs.

I have almost been relieved in a way.....for some reason I felt like I might not make it if I had the surgery, so maybe this is the reason.  I've decided that I'm going to just let things happen.....if I can still have it - GREAT - if not that's okay too.  Maybe this was a wakeup call for me.  I'd rather not have it if there is even a slight chance of complications because of my high blood work.  If I can get everything under control and can get it done, then I figure I'm supposed to have it.  I've mainly been upset with "me" because I'm definitely old enough to know to take my meds.

Are you a nurse?  I thought that since you knew quite a bit about the liver and thyroid, that maybe you were.

I will keep everyone updated.....OH has really got some great people on here.

Candy P.S.  I see that you live in Noblesville.....I have a son that lives there also.

Jessica S.
on 12/7/07 12:04 am - Noblesville, IN
Well Candy, whatever happens, I'm sure things will work out for the best.  Please take your medicines as directed by your internist, and if you're ok for surgery, then look forward to the day that you no longer need them.  No, I'm not a nurse, I just have some medical background.  Noblesville is a great place to live, and covered in pristine snow this morning!
on 12/7/07 12:30 pm - Kokomo, IN

I agree that things will work out for the best. I've been good....taking my meds.  The problem is that the Avandamet makes me sick.  My doc tried something before it and it made me sick too.  The Metformin by itself was okay, but it quit working.

A diabetic nurse called from Clarian today, but she's not sure what to do either.  She was going to talk to the Internist about me continuing the Avandamet until my surgery, since I told her I was taking it.  I've felt very sick since last night though and really tired....that is probably because my A1C (3 month diabetic)was 9.2 and should not be over 7.0.  It'll be up to the Internist on whether I have the surgery or not.  They're afraid that if my sugar count is still high then I could have complications during the surgery. I think he's more concerned about the sugar than anything, although he did want me to have another thyroid test run next Thurs.

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