Oprah Show

on 12/5/07 11:15 pm - Kokomo, IN
I saw a preview for her show on Friday and it is about WLS and the ill-effect it has, mainly trading in one addiction for another. I typically like her shows but will be very disappointed if she goes strictly the negative route. I do understand this is a real problem for some, but not everyone suffers from this. So far, thankfully I have not had any issues with this. I wish she would do a complete study and get all the statistics. If anyone watches this tomorrow, can you post on here the pros and cons of the show. Not like I'm going to picket her show or anything :)  just wondering. What are some of your opinions on her take on WLS? Hope everyone is have a great Thurs! Julie


on 12/5/07 11:30 pm - Avon, IN
This is a repeat I believe... and I don't think she focused on just the negative... But it is really important that those facing this surgery realize that this is a HUGE possibility to have transfer addiction. And for most people they don't even realize that they have an addiction and that it's going to be an issue until after about 4-6 months after the surgery when the Honeymoon is over. I thought I wasn't going to have this problem... WRONG!! about 6 months out I found myself turning ot other things when I was bored instead of food, because food just didn't give me that HIGH anymore... I've been in therapy, still in therapy... Now instead of being an emotional eater, I'm developing anorexic habits... I used to eat to show people I had control, now I DON'T eat to show people I have control.... I agree that some people will think that it's a negative thing about the weight loss surgery... but the honest truth of the matter is... that all of us that are getting this surgery have something emotional going on... It's very important to be cognizant of this and watch for it... This is a life changing surgery... and not just for your appearance!!! Now I'm going to get off of my soap box...

I'm going to watch this show I think.. I didn't get to see it last time.


Brenda R.
on 12/6/07 12:55 am - Portage, IN
I think that it is a repeat also. I saw it the first time and it was alright. I think that anyone who has a weight problem has a compulsive nature. Let's face facts-we were compulsive eaters so why would there not be other compulsions in our lives. I really think that some of them we can control and others we have problems with. I can't imagine me going out having affairs or one night stands when I am happy (most of the time) in my marriage. I certainly can't picture me drinking because I know that I can't with my heart problem. I believe that we can make the right choices for ourselves and just because some make ones that we wouldn't doesn't mean that we can't. Now I will get off my soap box and toddle on to something else!  Have a great and blessed day and I say bye for now.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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