OT Prayers needed and questions

on 12/3/07 11:23 pm - Rockport, IN

Good Morning Everyone!  I've been out of the loop lately.  There's so much going on.  Life just seems to take over sometimes.  This will probably be a long post so I'm apologizing up front. This year has been a doozie for my family.  My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed in February.  Then my brother in law had a motorcycle wreck and shattered his leg.  Next my 6 yr old nephew broke his arm.  Then my husband got diagnosed with diabetes.  Then my mother's back problems got so severe she had to take an early retirement from work.  Then I had my surgery.  My brother had a colon resection one week after my RNY.  He developed MRSA and has been battling that ever since.  Then last week my sister started passing blood in her urine.  She went in for an ultrasound of her abdomen and it showed a large kidney stone and a mass on her liver.  She and my mother are both nurses so they were both thinking the worst possible scenario.  I took her to have her MRI yesterday and the report came in that the mass isn't cancer (Thank you Jesus!)   The MRI also showed both of her kidneys full of stones.  Each one has a large stone in it along wtih several small stones.  She will need to have the large ones lasered because they will not pass on their own. The mass on her liver, they believe is scar tissue from her RNY seven years ago.  They believe it happened when her surgeon took out her gall bladder.  She will need to have it checked again in 6 months. That was a lot of explaining to get to this point.  My sister is extremely depressed.  We have a history of depression in my family.  My sister seems to get it more than the others in the family.  She especially has the seasonal disorder that comes in autumn.  Her husband is the one who had the motorcycle wreck earlier this year.  He was out of work for several months.  Now she's been off work for a couple of weeks.  Her husband didn't have any kind of income during his time off.  Thankfully, my sister is being compensated for her time off.  They are however, having some financial problems.  This only increases the depression. I've tried to explain to her that God has been faithful throughout all of these trials we've had this year.   We've had some blows but we're all still alive and healthy.  We all have roofs over our heads and plenty to eat.  She can't seem to shake this funk.  She won't even put up her Christmas tree because she says she can't stand to see it without presents under it.  I've told her we're all beyond the gift giving thing but she won't listen to me. I'm thinking of getting together my niece and nephew along with my daughter and go to her house with some soup and hot chocolate to help (make) her put her decorations.  What do you think of this idea?  Is it too much? I'd just appreciate any prayers for her that you have time to make.  Please help me pray that she sees the meaning of Christmas and that she realizes how truly blessed she (we) is/are. Thanks guys for letting me get this out.  I do love you all.


on 12/4/07 12:01 am - Kokomo, IN
Wow, I'm SO sorry for all you've had to got through this year. It sure is a lot, but you are right in that it sounds like you've made it through and are still alive and well. I know first hand about depression. It is no fun and its hard to get yourself out of the funk you get yourself in. I think going over there and helping with the decorations and what-not might do her some good. It could backfire on you, just depends on where she really is. Some people that do that are screaming for help and searching for some attention, but others truly want to be left alone.  You know your sister better than we do, so only you would have insight into that. I know when my sister was goign througn depression she wanted to be left alone, BUT we made her do some things and it seemed to help her those days. It's obviously not a quick fix, but maybe getting some decorations up and just spending time with her family will help. Maybe you all can volunteer somewhere this Christmas and have her help so she can see how blessed she truly is. That helps people sometimes to help others in more need then we are. Hope this helps. :) Good luck and hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Julie


on 12/4/07 12:21 am - LaGrange, KY
SOOO many prayers and so much love is heading that way hon!!!! (( HUGS )) for everyone. I say try to go help her put up decorations if nothing else get your niece and nephew to help and see.
on 12/4/07 12:54 am

Please God watch over your daughter and her family.  This world's trials have her knowing that all we have is from you.  The trials of life are sent and you allow us to come to you obediently to as for help.  It also allows other believers to hold up your children.  I ask for the healing of depression in the family.  Let those come to know your love and place you first for that will handle all of the cares.


2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou has done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

on 12/4/07 2:17 am - Danville, IN
You certainly have had your share of trials this past year,,but ya made it! Praise the good Lord for that! I have a friend who gets depressed like that,,she wasnt gonna put up anything either, till she came over to my house, saw my tree and decorations and it cheered her up. My vote would be, go to  her house, open the curtains and let some light in, put on a Christmas DVD  (Its a Wonderful Life??) or some cheery music,,and make that hot chocolate and get out the decorations. Talk about Christmasses past and how many happy memories you have. I know personally about depression, as I was hospitalized with it years ago. My doctor then told me that it feeds on itself, and one of the best remedies is to get mad at it!  Then you will fight it, and that also releases hormones into your system to fight it. Also, another good remedy is to focus on someone else,,like one poster said about volunteer work. Just a few thoughts! Praying all goes well and 2008 is a better year! Blessings to ya, betsy
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

on 12/4/07 5:10 am - Rockport, IN

You guys are the BEST!  I read all of your remarks and called my mother.  We're going to go over there Saturday with lots of soup, cornbread, hot chocolate, kids, Christmas music and a cheerful attitude.  I pray she receives us well.

Thank you so much for the prayers and support.  I battle depression too and E, you are so right, this is a family curse.  Jesus can break that hold!

God bless you all.  I'll let you know how it turns out.



shanna B.
on 12/4/07 8:15 am - camby, IN
Jaqui,   I completely understand. Depressions run deep in my family and My sister get Seasonal deppression. i am thinking about you and your family good luck....I have alot going on right now as well and doing my best to let happen , happen cause I can not really change the inevitable.Good luck shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


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