Getting "Sicker" By The Day

you know what megan, I want to workout soo bad, but you know the excuses come out. For example, It's cold outside, I'm tired, I don't feel like it, etc. And for the most part it's true, but at the same time I know I just have to get up and do it! I do have a membership to the Y, so it's not like I can't go. I don't know whats wrong with me. It's like I've lost all hope for life, or something like that. Like nothing really matters to me any more. So I really don't know, maybe one day I'll get my rear and gear and just hope for the best. But what Y do you go to Megan? I don't live too too far from beach grove, but the closest ones to me are either Fort Harrison, or Ransburg.
Try very hard to get active even if it is just walking 5 blocks and back every day. Over time it will get bettter. Before my surgery and shortly after I had the same feelings "It is too hard to walk", " to many pains" etc... I just made up my mind to do it. I now can walk for miles and miles. I feel SO MUCH better both physically and mentally.
God Bless.
2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou has done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
Yeap i think all of us were there at one thing to remember is you are in the fight for your life, no one but you can do anything about it...why don't you join us saturday if anyway for the ornament exchange? see what you have to be looking forward to, i have no idea what stage you are in this fight...but it is also the season for depression even in the perfect body or perfect life...grab an ornament and come on...this will be our 3rd exchange, first one was at a losers house and we had like 6 people i think show up...last year was many more and this year is looking like it is going to be the best... come on and meet some real losers and ask questions and get to know some of us...I am so sorry i have not been here for the losers, but i am back and going strong.. I can see a pic of me before and cry cos that lady was so unhappy......not that weight loss has made me the perfect life cos things still happen and i have been in a down ward spiral for almost a year now....and it shows with an 18 pound i have my choice to go back to where I was or jump on the i am jumping on the bus....and invite you to jump on it with me.....