Monday!!!! Another Monday!!!

LaChelle R.
on 12/2/07 7:49 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning to all! It is down right brisk outside, and windy as can be too!!!  My last supper was a blast last night, and I will post a few pictures later today.  There was about 25 people to show up, and everyone ate until they had spaghetti coming out of their eyeballs!  It was really good to just be able to sit and enjoy the company of others. We sat around for hours and talked, played cards. I even learned how to play Euchre! I had never played it before, but they say it is the game to play in Indiana! LOL   Today is the day I am planning on getting my hair cut off. I have wanted to do this for awhile, and my friend Heather is cutting hers today also because of me. I will post pictures of that as well later!  Have a great day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
(deactivated member)
on 12/2/07 8:21 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Lachelle, good luck on the hair cut! I love my hair short. It's SO easy to take care of.  I have to go to work today, and oh dear, we have a staff meeting. I detest meetings like that. Sitting around for hours is hard for me to do. Normally in my work I sit to meet with people, but not for that long. I always sit in the same place at our staff meetings, so that I can get to the door easy. I pretend I have to go to the ladies room. Our supervisor is a man, so he never questions that. Girls things, you know. Hehe.  I got all bundled up this morning, and went for my walk. I hadn't been in a while because of the cold, but last night I bought some things (long johns, a proper jacket for walking in the cold, gloves,...) and it was okay. I took Cleo, my St. Bernard. She is the perfect dog for that, because she loves the cold. It felt good to get out there. I do need to get a scarf though. 
on 12/2/07 8:38 pm - Wabash, IN
Good Mornin' Y'all, my Indiana Posse!!  Sorry for not posting much lately. this dang computer HATES ME!  LOL  anyway I think I got it fixed...I hope so..I have missed y'all! I have tried to catch up..and Jewelswannabethin has told me lots when we talk on the phone. CONGRATS to those who have had surgery...welcome to the losers bench and WAY TO GO to those who are losing weight!   WONDERFUL news and hang in there to those who have a date and those who are waiting approval! I have to say its the best thing I ever did for ME!  I CANNOT WAIT to meet y'all at the upcoming St. V's party and the ornament exchange! I posted a new pic of me as my avatar...its not the best...but look for me at the party cause I really wanna hug y'all! ( I will be the one with the good looking hubby) LOL What is everyone wearing to the party and what are y'all taking to the ornament exchange food wise? Not much going on today for me...just staying in and staying warm...I DO need to finish my Christmas Cards and my son is home today with a "Major headache" (his terms) lol.Seems the friends 16th bday party was too much for Y'all stay warm today and keep smilin'! HUGGGGGGGGGS, Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 12/2/07 9:33 pm - Lawrence, IN
Janene, I hope to send out an update on the Ornament Exchange tonight so everyone will know what kind of food people are bringing.  We don't know too much because lots of people were undecided.  It looks like we're going to have between 40-45 people, so should be a nice cozy group. Tonight I will send out the new Hoosiers Losers Directory.  It is growing fast.   I'll answer your email either later if our work email starts working or from home tonight. Hope everyone has a great Monday! Floyd

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on 12/3/07 12:50 am - LaGrange, KY
YAAAY I can't wait to meet you! I may come to the St V's christmas party for a little bit even if I'm not feeling a lot better it just depends!
on 12/2/07 9:43 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Good morning all.  Not much going on here today, just sitting here waiting until its time to take my daughter to pre school.  I just leave my pj's on and slippers and go, lol. I've decided I'm staying in other the that, cuz yesterday was our christmas parade here and I had 2 out out of the 3 kids in it.  I had to ride with my 4 yo and let me tell you sitting on hay in the pouring rain and cold was not a fun thing.  I wish I could go to the exchange, well I could but my husband is getting ready to leave so other then the 2 weeks he will be home for christmas and the new year, this is one of the last weekends we can all spend together before he is gone, and I already have to work on sunday.  It's rough on the the 4 yo when he goes so I like to be able to keep our time while we can.  I will diffently be there for the next clothing exchange though, I feel left out cuz I haven't been able to attend anything yet or meet anybody.  It was so nice to meet floyd and brenda so I'm sure the rest of you would be fun to meet too.  Well I guess I have rambled enough here.  Everybody have a wonderful day.  
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.

   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


on 12/2/07 10:25 pm
Good Monday morning, I am planning a laid back recovery day today.  I had my gallbladder out at St. V last Friday.  Overall I am feeling fairly good.  Still having periods of nausea and little food feels good sitting in my stomach but I am trying to get my fluids in.  I am scheduled to go back to work tomorrow but time will tell if I am up to it.  Hopefully I can RTW because our disability requires 5 days off without pay before it kicks in at 60%. I won't be able to make it to the St. V Christmas party because of the surgery.  BooHoo.  I was looking forward to meeting some of you.  Another time. I think sometime today I will try to finish up my Christmas shopping on the internet.  I will still have stocking stuffer things to get but the majority of the shopping is done.  Horray!! Hope everyone has a great day. Peg
on 12/2/07 11:07 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning everyone!

We're waiting for the visiting nurse to give us a call to let us know what time she/he will be here. As soon as I get the call, that's my cue to jump in the! I can only take a shower on the days the wound-vac is changed. It gives me something to look forward to..haha!

I got most of my Christmas cards all ready to go out over the weekend. Whew! 144..and that's without the additional folks added to the directory or people at work that I don't have addresses for! I love Christmas cards. At least now I have FINALLY used up all of those 39 cent and 2 cent stamps...we had 94 of each of those still left over from the last postal increase. Needless to say, we prefer online bill paying. We'll probably run to the post office this afternoon after the visiting nurse comes. You all have a good day today and try to stay warm! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Gail O.
on 12/3/07 12:47 am - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning All, I go to my PCP today to get his ok to start doing exercises. Dr Huse said could but not till I got the OK from my PCP. Dr Huse reminded me of all the problems I have had and not to get in a hurry. I will start out easy, I still have pain where my insicions and gtube was. But I need to work on my overhang,hangover,skirt or apron LOL, I am not sure what to call it. If I where spandpex OMG, its so funny trying to put them on, I know 1 day the news will report "Lady wrapped in Spandex" film @ 11pm LOL. Everyone, have a super Day, Blessings,Hugs & Love, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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on 12/3/07 12:52 am - LaGrange, KY
Hey y'all just saying HIIIII!!! I'm soo glad I have y'all to talk to hehehehehehehe. Hubby and my mom would never understand anything I say and it is good to have people I can use certain terms with who understand (like panni heheh my mom was asking why id want to get my panties cut off DOH) anyways heheheh I hope yall have a good day I'm off to an appointment and hopefully picking up my ornaments for the exchange YIPEEE
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