an indiana sister in need
i am here to ask you all to dig deep into your holiday spirit and ask yourself:
i dont know how mant of u have contacted lori b but i do know that we can ALL do something. we can send a card, we could send a gift for her 4 yr old son, we can send some $ - even if its only $5. every little bit helps. please find in your heart someway to help this family have a merry christmas. LYNDIA is on the hoosier losers directory.
lyndia had surgery on october 3 and has been in the hospital more that out ever since. the day before she had surgery #1 her husband got laid off from his full time job. then she had to have surgery #2, the day before it she got laid off. She has had trouble with leaks and a fever. now their only income is from her husbands part time evening job and they have a 4 year old son. bills are piling up and they have nothing at all for the little one for christmas. lori b has set up a paypal account to accept donations to help them and i am just asking that we from indiana help a sister somehow. like a said a card and small gift for her son a $ donations (if you can afford it). just something to show lyndia we still care. i have not been getting a good response . lori has been flooded with replies from the DS board but here in indiana i have heard almost nothing.,replies/board_id,5357/cat_id,4957/topic_id,3464809/a,messageboard/
This is a link to Lori Black's message on the DS board. It explains more in depth some of Lyndia's trials, as well as how to make a PayPal donation or help in other ways. Come on Hoosiers, we can't let the DS'ers get the upper hand!
(just trying to set up some friendly competition)
This is a link to Lori Black's message on the DS board. It explains more in depth some of Lyndia's trials, as well as how to make a PayPal donation or help in other ways. Come on Hoosiers, we can't let the DS'ers get the upper hand!
(just trying to set up some friendly competition)