OOOH I've been challenged.. Competition on..
LOL My sweetheart of a husband Richard has started watching the amount of food he's consuming (not what he eats or drinks tho lol he still drinks regular pop and eats some junk) for the most part. He said he couldn't let me get lower than him weight wise sooo the competition is on.
Rich has lost about 14 lbs in the last 3.5 weeks just by cutting back his portions slightly. Therefore I really need to get myself kicked into gear. I keep getting within 1-2 lbs of him and he'll drop another 3-5 lbs LOL. Thats okay because I WILL catch him hehe.
Anyone else have Healthy competition with spouse? Coworkers? Family members?? This has actually been fun because I know he wants to lose weight and he has about 50-60 lbs to lose total sooo I'm supporting him because I want him to be healthy with me. This is just awesome. Now I need to find a way to get loads more exercise though because he's on his feet for 12 hours a day!
No one in my family has done this recently, but when I was 15, my dad got me and my brothers into a competion when we were out of school for summer break. The one who lost the most wieght over the three month period won 300 bucks. My dad helped us out by training with us every morning, and my mom helped us out by making healthier meals and whatnot. Needless to say I lost 60 pounds in that three month period and got my 300 bucks
It really was fun, and it did something to keep me motivated. Nevertheless, I gained that wieght back in less than a year, plus more. But I wouldn't mind doing it again. That was when I was a junior in High school with no job, and really nothing to worry about. So I wasn't in the "Stressful" part of life

Ya real life moves in huh?? heh I need to find a job in the near future and I'm gonna have to find a balance between exercising and work and all but I know it's possible because I used to do it before. :) Just gonna have to do it and not think bout it. It'll be much easier now than it was before because I'm driving now lol.

My DH has kinda given me a goal to reach by having surgery. He has agreed to quit smoking as soon as I have my wls, and get home! Talk about a big ordeal for him to take on. He has smoked for as long as I can remember, and did way before we even met, so this is something that he really wants to do, so I am sure he will try to do it.
I hope your challenge gets your rear motivated to kick some major booty! LOL I love friendly competitions like that. I lost a bet this evening at work over a basketball game, so now my bet will have to be paid off by wrapping Christmas presents for the guy that won the bet! LOL Thats ok by me tho, since I LOVE to wrap presents! hehehe I feel sorry for those that have to unwrap them! hahah! At least it was all in good fun!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!