A little rant.. may be TMI

on 11/30/07 11:35 pm - LaGrange, KY
<TMI ALERT> I've got an abcess above my g-tube site and it's been very painful. I noticed a golf ball sized lump and a few pea/marble sized lumps but Dr C and I discussed this before about the stitches not being tight allowing the fluid to develop and it would drain or whatever. Well last night I put some pressure on the large one because it was hurting (to the point that pain medication was NOT helping) and it started putting out all kinda of nasty green/bloody puss from around where my gtube is inserted at. I've found a couple more lumps by rubbing around on my belly that are nickel/quarter size. The puss is identical to when I had the abcess when my appendix was taken out. I talked to Dr C this morning and she said to try warm compress and keep trying to massage it out as much as I can because we need the infection OUT and not to go into my tummy or my body. She called in Keflex for me also. This stuff scares me because of my staph infection in September. I'm just hoping the Keflex will kick it quickly because I don't wanna end up back in the hospital. I've been running low grade fevers but they've not gone above 100 yet (my normal body temp is 96 tho and theyve been hitting 99) soo I know that is good. I'm just taking tylenol and all that fun stuff.  I know it sounds petty and silly but I am just stressed and don't feel good. If y'all don't mind saying a little prayer that this clears up quickly and gets back to normal.
megan K.
on 11/30/07 11:39 pm - beech grove , IN
Girl, seeing what you have been through, I would be **FREAKING OUT** too... I hope you start feeling better and dont end up back in the hospital... Well Good Luck! Megan
on 12/1/07 12:52 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks!! I am not quite at freaking out because it wouldn't do any good and because theres only so much freaking out a person can do LOL.
megan K.
on 12/1/07 3:38 am - beech grove , IN
Well, I hope you start feeling better!
on 12/1/07 12:39 am - IN
Prayers said!  Use those warm compresses and get out as much as possible!!!
on 12/1/07 12:54 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks I'm rubbing it pretty much every hour and getting stuff out. It hurts pretty bad now from pushing/putting so much pressure on it. Also I've been "feeling around" and have found a few more lumps that I didn't notice because this other one was so large!! The one "popped" as soon as I put pressure on it. I'm over my pity party now LOL But I'm still a little frustrated too hehe. I was having an okay weekend and a good day yesterday for the most part before this pain started last night!
Gail O.
on 12/1/07 3:28 am - indianapolis, IN
Hi Misty, I hope you are able to get infection out hopefully the antiboctic will really help. I have so been down that path before. Please know I have you in my prayers and get lots of.   Hugs, and Blessings, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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on 12/1/07 4:02 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks Gail, I'm feeling a lil better now I've gotten a lot of stuff out since last night and the lump seems to be shrunk quite a bit. I do feel very very fatigued and tired though!! hehe I'm due for my B-12 shot in a week though.
on 12/1/07 7:20 am - New Castle, IN
Hi Misty You seem like a real sweet gal. I'm glad you are doing better. I want to think you for all of your thoughtful words. You have helped me through a lot. Thanks again and stay healthy Terri
                                Glitter Graphics 
on 12/1/07 7:38 am - IN
I had to take a round of antibiotics not too long ago and while I was on them I started feeling really tired.  An RNY friend said the same thing happened to her and her doc said the antibiotics can have a fatiguing affect.  About B12, my nurse said if I felt tired that I didn't have to wait for a full 30 days for the shot.  Maybe you should see if you could come in a week early.  Feel better!
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