Questions about the Ornament Exchange!?!?!
Brenda (DalGal) posted on 1/26. Contact Brenda or Floyd if you'd like to come: Here's your reminder. The ornament exchange is less than 2 weeks away. December 8, 2007 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Floyd and Brenda Curvin's home (see directory for address and phone #) Bring a wrapped Christmas ornament (no name tag) and a pouch freindly dish to share. Don't forget to bring the recipe. Floyd is sending an email to everyone on the directory with a list of those who have already signed up. If you haven't and will be able to make it please let me know. As of this writing there will be 34 people there. WooHoo!!! Most of those coming haven't decided what to bring so I guess we will just wing it. Those that have it will be on the email that Floyd is sending out. We will eat at 11:30 and the exchange of gifts will begin at 12:30 so please don't be late and miss out on the fun. If you have any questions send me a note or give me a call. See you all there (here). Merry Christmas Brenda
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