Questions about the Ornament Exchange!?!?!

megan K.
on 11/30/07 9:05 am - beech grove , IN
Hey everyone, I am trying to work out my schedule to go to the Christmas thing... My sons 1st birthday party was scheduled for that day, which I think I can move to Sunday, but I need to finish organizing and baking cupcakes and cookies, and all the fun stuff with decorating... So yea, But I need to know if I can go what do I need to bring and where it is... I heard it is at Floyds, but I dont know where that is at... Well, everyone have a good night.... Megan
on 11/30/07 11:21 am - Lawrence, IN
Megan, That would be great if you're able to make it.  Since you don't have the new directory yet I'll send you an email with our address.  The new directory will be coming out hopefully this weekend and will be emailed to you. Let us know if you can make it.  There's somewhere between 40 and 45 people coming so it'll be lots of fun. Floyd

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megan K.
on 11/30/07 11:59 am - beech grove , IN
You are about 20 minutes from me... Not to bad... I actually go to school out there... but just wondering what do I need to bring?
shanna B.
on 11/30/07 12:34 pm - camby, IN
Count me aswell. What should I bring though...Any suggestions on what we will need.Not quite sure what is condisered pouch friendly, yet. shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 11/30/07 8:13 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Megan & Shanna,

Bring an ornament...wrapped, no name tag. This is for the ornament exchange portion.

Bring 1 dish that is pouch friendly AND copies of the recipe to make it (we always share!). 'Pouch friendly' foods are basically anything low in fat, low in carbs, and/or sugar-free. Many of my recipes I find in diebetic cookbooks and splenda cookbooks. I have some posted in my profile if that would help. Many of the foods that we cooked pre-op can be prepared in a healthy way so that post-ops can enjoy them by just substituting the ingredients for healthier versions of it. For instance, I fix this salad that Bill absolutely loves. It's a hand me down from my mother...which was handed down to her through the generations...SOUTHERN COOKING other words, gotta have the fat or it isn't any good! I substitue the Miracle Whip for Miracle Whip Light and substitue the sugar for Splenda. Bill doesn't even notice the difference! I don't think my granny would have either if she had tasted it when she was still alive! Brenda & Floyd go to cooking sessions and have recipes from those. If you'd like more specific ideas, I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing those with you...just drop them a line. Now...for me to figure out what I'm going to fix! LOL!!! The REALLY good thing about pre-ops coming to events like this is that they get to see that there IS flavorful food after weight loss surgery! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
megan K.
on 11/30/07 10:51 pm - beech grove , IN
Can someone send me what guidelines I need to follow with fat/'sugar/calories content and such for this party.... I dont want to cook anything that will hurt anyone... I am not good at figuring these things out... Anyone have any suggestions or recipes they would like to share? I can ask my mom what she cooks but she can eat anything that PreOps ate without problem(she jus****ches her portions).
on 11/30/07 11:05 pm - Indianapolis, IN


Hon, you are worrying way too much about this. Check out the recipes on my profile..they'll give you an idea. In fact, if any of them sound like something you'd like to try, go for it.

There aren't any real guidlines saying that a dish has to be # calories or less, etc. I think most of just substitute Splenda where we can in recipes and use fat-free ingredients when-ever we can. If in doubt, email me a recipe you're considering and I'll try to offer any suggestions I can to 'lighten' it up. Even with these, we too, also have to watch our portion sizes.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
megan K.
on 11/30/07 11:19 pm - beech grove , IN
I am the one that will cook something and I think I always did something wrong, but everyone always loves it... I dont judge other peoples cooking, only my own... Is that weird... I think it would be good to find a "kid friendly" dish so I can cook it at home for my kids... What kind of food is everyone else bringing so I know what "theme" to go with? O, I did not add over Thanksgiving from Tuesday to Monday I lost 4 lbs... I actually excersied for the first time in I dont know how long... Yeah, that was a week and a half ago and I still feel it... But I have been cleaning like crazy... Just had to add that...
on 12/1/07 12:37 am - IN
I know I should know this but I never think about anything until the last minute so WHEN IS THE ORNAMENT EXCHANGE?  I sure would like to meet some of ya'll!
on 12/1/07 12:56 am - LaGrange, KY
OH are you going to be there?? It'd be awesome to meet you when I'm not doped on meds and actually ALIVE LOL.
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