Good news! Good news! Good news!

on 11/28/07 9:01 pm - Indianapolis, IN

They did have me wear compression hose..but they can only do so much especially when you're talking about such a lengthy surgery. They also could not go up as high as needed because of me having the thigh lift. The clot in my leg was very high..almost to the pelvis. It just isn't standard quo to utilize lovenox when having plastic surgeries. I am hoping that if enough of you see my posts and talking with their surgeon about blood clot prevention, maybe we can have an affect on that quo here in Indiana at least!

Dr. Gupta is fantastic. By the way, so is her partner, your surgeon, Dr. Cacucci. Dr. C is the one who did the first couple of intestinal surgeries (Dr. Gupta was out of town) and saved my life. I will always be eternally grateful to both of these fine women. Dr. Bergman had offered to me to assist Dr. Gupta with the surgery so I know she was leaning that way. She may have made to offer to Dr. Gupta while I was still in the hospital and Dr. Gupta followed up on that offer when she called her. Either way, I really do feel like I'm having the best of both worlds in the OR with me. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/28/07 11:13 am, edited 11/28/07 11:14 am - Thorntown, IN
Sherri,   Hi sweety!! I haven't posted much lately or checked in,so I missed all of your posts - but I am soooo glad you ARE having the surgery after all!! Praise God!!! I know it will be a successful surgery next time, since you'll be at St.V's and they both know what you have been thru and what to look out for. You are so right- be your best avocate!  Oh, I love Burlington also! This yr. things are going to be much slimmer in the gift area tho. Too much has gone on this yr. and we have had too many sudden things take its toll on our finances. I tell the kids we just need to remember the real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate our Saviors birth. ( Of course they want gifts  or $$.)   Take care of yourself and you know I am here for you.I bet you & Bill will be hitting New China buffet soon, huh? Love ya- call me! Ellen 
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 11/28/07 9:12 pm - Indianapolis, IN


We already hit the china buffet! LOL! Dr. Gupta gave me the thumbs up to drive (keep it local!) Monday morning....we celebrated by going there Monday night! Haha!!

My Christmas shopping has been all online so far. I'm just about done with what I'm going to be able to do. I want to get the kids clothes though...and I just prefer to go to Burlington's for that. I have all their toys though and alot of the stuff I got was to where the kids can share it. They have so little space that I thought that'd be the best. So I got toys that either both girls would love (like all 4 of the Little Princess babies) or all of them would enjoy (the Smart Cycle). Of course, they'll have a few 'for them only' things but most will end up in the 'everyone' toy box there anyway. I am kinda doing the same thing for the adults. They all whatever for the kitchen, I'm considering for all of the adults there. In the past, I've put that type of stuff just for Tiff & Rod but let's face it, those two are never going to live there without at least Shelly there too if not Jay as well! LOL! I'm going to get off cheaper that way! Since I'll be having a few months of reduced pay, that is a good thing for me! Can't wait to see you Tuesday!! You & Dana ARE going to the St. V's party, right??? Tiffany & I are coing together. I'll try giving you a call later today. If you have free time though, call me (on my house #, not cell). We'll be leaving here about 3 for Bill's eye appt. I think you're busier these days than I love ya sis! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/28/07 1:44 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I am so glad to read this ...for you...i have admitted I am chicken to do any plastics i went back and forth...but shoot to be left open like that and  now will your ins pay for this?  prayers being started now for  a safe surgery and speedy recovery...HUGS
on 11/28/07 9:17 pm - Indianapolis, IN


Thank you sweetie. I'm pretty sure the insurance will pay for the surgery but as of Jan. 1st, they'll only cover 80% of ANY surgery, hospital, surgeon, etc. It would save me big $$ if they'd be willing to do it 2 weeks earlier. I'm going to try giving Heather a call in a little bit and explaining that to her and see if she can't talk both of the surgeons into moving the surgery date up a  little bit.

Hey..the 'hole' isn't from the plastic surgery. It's from when they had to revive my instestines. They had qut getting blood supplied to them. No one will say for sure why that happened..I have my own gut feeling as to why but I'm no doctor. It wasn't from the plastic surgery itself though.  Hon..I can use those prayers always.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Linda Kay
on 11/28/07 7:08 pm - Mooresville, IN
Good for you!!! Game plans are alwsys nice to have even if it isnt tomorrow at least knowing when and why helps the situation so much.. gives you something to look forward to!!  You have been thru so much and your spirit remains so good!!! You really are an inspiration to people who look to us for answers. Just starting the process. Even when things seem to go wrong for you you put a positive turn to it and people gain faith in the process. Linda Kay
on 11/28/07 9:35 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Linda Kay,

Thank you. My trying to put a positive spin on things really is my own coping mechanism. It's how I can tell myself 'It's ok that this happened to me because ____". Otherwise, it'd just be too easy sometime to throw myself a huge pity party and that would get me and everyone else around me, no where. I really had to search hard to find the positive spin on this one and it was a nun at Seton Hospital that really helped me work through it. I know God has a special place reserved for Sister Ann.  It was shortly afterward when I found out about the blood clots and I knew that the take-a-way from this had to be encouraging my friends to discuss/recieve blood clot prevention. I can handle going through stuff as long as there's a lesson to be learned from it..if not for me, for someone. I guess I'm the walking warning sign to all out there having/thinking about having any kind of surgery: Complication DO happen and they CAN happen to YOU. LOL!  I also came away with another bit of knowledge that we say over & over...but having had come very close to experiencing it, I feel much different about it: Life is short and you never know when it is going to be all over. That first 4 days that I was in the coma was very touch & go. Bill & my kids were afraid to leave the hospital. They didn't know if they were going to be able to revive my intestines, then my BP dropped to 50/30, then I had to have 7.5 pints of blood. They learned that a 46 yr old otherwise healthy woman could very well be dead with very little warning. Being that woman, it ghas given me an extra appreciation for life, my family and my friends all the more. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jenny K.
on 11/28/07 8:12 pm - IN
Congrats Sherri! You must be on cloud 9, I know you were pretty bummed. Things always have a way of working themselves out. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

vicki S.
on 11/28/07 9:03 pm - indianapolis, IN

on 11/28/07 9:41 pm - Indianapolis, IN


Thanks...but relax here at the holidays? LOL! Yes, I am in comparison to what I would do normally..shoot, probably in comparison to what any of you do on a slow day. I think the visitng nurse would prefer I keep my butt firmly planted in my recliner with the exception of going potty! Trust me, I'm not going to over-do it. I am so looking forward to being healthy and to have a date (well, a ballpark date..mid January) when that is going to really start being a reality is fantastic!!! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
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