So frustrated- rant

on 11/26/07 8:42 pm - IN
I am two and a half weeks out and, not only have I stopped losing, I've gained two lbs! I can't seem to do anything right. Right after coming home, I found out the hard way that I am now lactose intolerant. The doc gave me meds for the throwing up thing. I am having a horrible time getting my fluids and protiens in and my iron supplements make me sick. I am doing my elliptical(sick or not) I get about 90% of my fluids in daily by sip, sip, sipping. I didn't have this surgery to lose weight...even though I need to. I had it to treat an endocrine birth defect(see profile). However it's still very frustrating. I know I'm not the only person to fell this way....especially at this point. Everything makes me nausious. I have NO energy. And I'm not even losing weight. I know my body is extra stubborn and I need to be patient, but I'm having a hard time with it right now. That's all. I needed to get it off my chest  before I self combusted. Hugs, Angie
on 11/26/07 9:26 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
I'm sorry Angie that things are going so rough for you right now.  Things really do get better, I promise !!! If you remember I had alot of those issues in the beginning, I was sic****il I was like 5 or 6 weeks along, and tired too.  I think when you dont get enough of the protien in that doesn't help the tiredness too.  I still have problems with the protien.  You just have to keep plugging away. The only meds that worked for my nausea was tigan suppositories (not a fun med, lol) Just keep thinking positive and keep your chin up dear and things will be fine.  
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   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


on 11/26/07 9:37 pm - Indianapolis, IN


I know how frustrating all of this can be. At 2 weeks post-op, I had went through a major stall that upset me enough that I still vividly remember it 3 years later. Here's a few things I learned along the way though that may help. You need your PEW...Protein Exercise Water.  Protein: There are many forms of Protein, and not all of them containing lactose. Experiement with different ones until you find the ones your tummy can handle. It is VERY important that you get enough protein in as it is cruicial for healing and remember, your body is still trying to heal from the surgery. Many people who can't do milk do great with cheese, eggs, or other forms of dairy. Don't be afraid to get your dieticians input & advise. Exercise: At 2.5 weeks out, be careful with the exercise. Walking is probably the best form of exercise for you at this stage. An elliptical may be a little too stressful for your body at this I would back off of it for a few weeks and wait until your doctor clears you for exercise. Water: We all have heard how our body is ~80% water and how water is a major building block of life. For us who have pounds to get rid of, it is also the transport to remove fats from our body. Without it, we will get dehydrated very easily...and you will be nausious and tired. Remember the old axiom? Drink eight 8oz glasses. For us, that is a MINIMUM. And by the way..NO ONE is able to get it all in at first. You are being very much normal on this. Just do your best. And remember, it doesn't have to be 'water'. Any decaf, sugar-free, non-carbonanted liquid counts. I use to get a few extra ounces by drinking Swanson's chicken broth. There's one of them that is 5g of protein per serving so I was getting in my liquid AND increasing my protein at the same time. Win-win! Don't forget sf popcycles too. Each half of a twin pop is 1.5 ounces. When you're nausious, they usually do great for the tummy. Vitamins:  No, not in the PEW, but equally important! Be sure you take your Flintstones, Citrical, B1 (1x weekly), and your B12! Those who are low on B12 do feel like their energy was zapped. You however, are only 2.5 weeks post-op! Lack of energy at this stage is NORMAL. Hon, you just had surgery! Give yourself & your body time to heal...k? I would contact your doctor about the iron and see if there is anything else theycould prescribe instead. They may also prescribe phenagrin (anti-nausea med) to take prior to the iron. Try taking the iron separate from any other meds and take it after you eat. Some meds don't play well with others and some only play well if not on an empty stomach. I very recently went through this myself. Finally, your body is VERY protective over what calorie input it gets in. If it thinks you are starving it, it will hang on to every ounce! So it's important for it to know that it is getting 3 meals a day. Even at 1-2 oz, it recognises that it is 'food' and will relax it's hold on the weight. Yoou will find during your journey also that your body will go into stalls...several times. This is normal. Just keep doing what you are suppose to do, and the stall will go away. Trust me, your body isn't being extra's being very typical. Just be patient with it...and with yourself..k? It'll all be ok and this will work for you. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/26/07 11:43 pm - Rockport, IN
Angie, Boy do I hear your cries.  I am only 4 weeks out and I too found out at 2 wks that I am lactose intollerant.  Being dehydrated contributes to the nausea too.  I'll share with you what works for me but I'd still check with the nutritionist to get her input. I went to GNC to get some isopure.  To me it was totally nasty stuff.  I couldn't make myself choke down a whole bottle in a day.  I went back to GNC and spoke to them about it.  The sales man recommended another product by the makers of Muscle Milk.  I can't remember what the name is but if you go, they'll know.  I got the tropical flavor.  It is so good!  It has a very strong flavor that I enjoy.  It's very pineappley/coconutty.  The isopure was just too weak for me.  It's also $1 a bottle cheaper than the isopure and it has the same amount of protein.  Now I am stuck with several bottles of isopure that I bought.  They are all grape flavor.  I put in a SF Hawaiian Tropic Grape Punch singles in it and it makes it much, much better.  I plan on getting some more of the Muscle Milk stuff as soon as I finish the isopure.  I figure I'd better use it since it costs so much.  Also, I don't have a GNC nearby so I have to travel to get my stuff. Also, take the SF popsicle advice.  I eat tons of popsicles!  I keep a variety in my freezer.  Right now my favorites are the diet soda pops that are flavored like A&W Rootbeer, Diet Dr. Pepper adn Sunkist.  I also like the SF Superstar Pops.  Both are at Wal-Mart.  I bet I eat 4-6 a day!  They really help with my fluid intake. There are some one oz cheeses called Live Active.  I eat those a lot too.  The lactose problem doesn't effect cheese for some reason.  Each one oz serving has 6-8 gms of protein.  I nibbled on them at first too.  Watch out for the cheese though because it really blocked me up.  I'd rather be constipated than puking though so it was a trade-off. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing.  We've all been there.  Some of us not so long ago. I hope these ideas help. Blessings, Jacqui
on 11/27/07 3:02 am - IN
You are all the greatest. I just needed support...and I got it. I've been on the scopemine patch and fenagrin(sp) since day three post-op. I have very bad history with nausea. Once I get started, the gag reflex doesn't want to go away. I know I'll get through it, I'll keep sipping. I've been drinking hot tea lately and it seems to help.I need to buy some more. I get sick of flavors really fast- so I'll buy a whole bunch of different ones.....I know once I work all of my vits and proteins in there, I will feel better. Thanks Again. Angie
on 11/27/07 4:31 am - Rockport, IN

Oh I forgot about the hot tea!  I've been doing that too.  It really helps.  I found a couple of flavors that are really good...Ginger Snappish and Honey Vanilla Camomile.   They both are so yummy!  I drink at least 2 cups in the morning once I get to work and another before bed.  Glad you discovered it on your own.

You sound a bit better too.  So glad.  It's no fun being miserable. Take care! Jacqui


on 11/27/07 3:04 am - LaGrange, KY
I don't have any advice that you've not already been told but I did want to send you some (( HUGS )). Did you take your measurements preop? I find that I don't usually lose inches until the weight stalls. I'm 17 weeks out and I've had 3-4 stalls for a few days to a week or two now, but I always start losing again!! Keep your head up hon! Things dooooooo get better I promise.
on 11/27/07 12:53 pm - IN

I can so relate, I am 2 1/2 weeks out from a rny revision (medical necessity) and have had problems on problems since surgery.  I know that part of my problem is that i had NO problems the first time through (11-01) and am now making up for it.  All of the protein supplements are making me nauseous (whether by mouth or g-tube).  i am only going to suggest the profect protein supplements (they dont taste that good- about 10 flavors of 'bad' cool-aid) but they have 25g of protein in less than 3 oz and arent milk based.  I can promise you that keeping up the protein intake will help the weight come off.  without the protein, your body goes into survival mode and hangs on to every molecule of fat/energy it can... so weight loss stops even with exercise. 

i totally get the rants, i am trying to finish a semester of college while doing the surgery/recovery thing and am equally frustrated... it was all so easy six years ago   now everything feels 100x worse, i was in the hospital longer (due to complications, had repeat trips to the e.r. to visit, and have taken more rx drug supplements to try to settle my system than thought possible in 2 weeks).  i miss ice chips- it is sad to think that i felt better hooked to iv tubes, pic line, and on ice chips than being home on full liquids. Best- Tina

Jenny K.
on 11/27/07 8:51 pm - IN

Hang in there!  I had nausea for a few days afterwards, but it went away on it's own.  I still find sometimes that some things I try to eat, will make me gag and I think "oh know, here we go", but I dont end up throwing up. 

Like Sherri said, give up the exercising, other than walking.  Dr. Gupta told me no exercising other than walking until after 6 wks.  You wouldnt want to undo anything in there. 

People lose differently, dont fret too much on that, just follow what your nuts tell you and you will be fine.

Good luck,


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