Falling back into bad habits

Hi there! Listen, right now you are going thru so much and none of us are walking in your shoes- so take all of this with the love it is written in.
You are so right- the time is NOW to get this under control and back to your healthy self. I know you must concentrate on all of Peter's needs, but don't forget to take time for yours. Start getting in your protein in first, and then get back to fruits & veggies. Grazing just leads to more grazing- believe me, I know!!!! Call for that appointment right away, email me anytime you need to "vent", talk or just need a shoulder to lean on, and know I am praying for you both!!
I love ya, lil Sis,
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


I was so sorry to read about the problems Peter has been having. I'm sorry that I didn't contact you after learning about them. I was/am busy having a few issues of my own so I do hope you'll forgive me for not responding to your email about what was going on. Medical issues certainly affect more than just the patient. With all of mine, Bill has lost weight, Tiffany has gained. We all also deal with these issues differently. Tiffany is definately my daughter and what goes better in a waiting room than chips, rolls, etc.? Bill, on the other hand, doesn't emotionally eat. So, it is very understandable that you had gained weight during this. But yes..getting back with the program is the best thing you can do for you. That, and keep healthy grazing foods with you at all times. Bring carrot and celery sticks in a ziplock to these appointments. Right now my pouch is going through this funny little stage of thinking I'm a newbie for 2 out of 3 meals a day. For breakfast, I'm lucky if I can get down 2 bites. That's 'bites', not ounces. So..1/2 ounce maybe. For lunch? 2 ounces maybe. Finally at dinner I'll be able to get 6-8 oz in. At 3 yr post-op, 8-12 oz is 'normal'. Because of this, I have been allowing myself some healthy grazing...cheese cubes, celery with peanut butter, protein beef sticks, etc. I may eat 5-6 'meals' a day but I'm still getting in about 1/2 to 2/3 of my normal intake. I just try to get in as much protein as I can with what I do eat. We're praying for you and Peter and your family Hope. Sherri
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am sorry for what is going on... The only thing I can say is you need to make yourself your number 1 priority.. This is not to sound mean or rude but here is why... If you dont feel good you cant help your family out as needed. I have made this mistake and that is why I say that and yes I know its hard not to make your family number 1 when they are sick. You need to look at the food BEFORE you eat and think it will make you sick... and if you gotta snack then get healthy food.. I just went through my Grandpa having Lukemia over the summer... I was told by my family that I am not helping anyone because I was not taking care of myself and eatting junk food cuz that is what the hospital offered... They did not want to have to visit me there too because of my blood pressure getting high, or my anxiety attacks, or little things that put me in the hospital... I am really not trying to sound rude but your family needs you and a little bit of weight now can hurt you in the long run... I just dont want you to be one of the storys the doctor tells me about people gaining weight after surgery... I am really not trying to sound rude, and if you need to talk then you can email me... I know exactally what you are going through...