Happy Friday to All!!!
Happy Black Friday!
I am not going shopping today. I usually get out on this day because I can save so much but I have most of my shopping finished and there just wasn't anything in the ads pulling me out this time.
Yesterday was quite an interesting day. It was my first day on the next level of foods. I had 1/2 an egg for breakfast. At lunch I put a little turkey and mashed potatoes on my plate. I couldn't eat 1/3 of it. I chewed and chewed and chewed the turkey. I got full really quick. Four hours later I still couldn't get any fluids to go down. Every time I took a drink, it would come right back up.
We left my parents' house at 5:00 to take our daughter and my niece and nephew to the shrine circus. I got a bottle of water at the circus and could finally sip some and keep it in around 8:00. I'm sure I only got around 30 ozs of fluids in yesterday. I never ate dinner either because I was soooo full.
This morning has been much better. I've had two cups of tea so far and an oz of Special K Protein Plus cereal. It's great! It's really crunchy so it's satisfied that craving. It also has 10 gms of protein in an oz. I highly recommend it!
I really don't know how I'll ever get up to 3 ozs a meal. I'm still barely able to get in 2 ozs.
I've lost 41.4 lbs though! It's been 4 weeks today. I can finally tell in my clothes and even had to buy a new bra! Yahoooo!
LaChelle, I can't believe the dealers are paid so little. We don't go to the casinos but I am still very shocked at that. Seems like you could get a union together or something. I know the dealers at Aztar in Evansville just formed one. I think it was to protect their jobs though. Still I'm sure the wages are part of the reason.
I'll be leaving soon to go back to my parents. Troy is woking today. My niece and nephew are still there and my daughter wants to play with them again. I'll check the boards later when I return.
Have a great, restful day everyone!
Happy Friday y'all... Nooo I'm not brave enough to fight the crowds today soo we'll be staying round the house. Besides I got my sweet nieces up here from Kentucky for the weekend. We put the tree together last night and we will be going and buying decorations probally tomorrow for it and decorating it!! Tonight we have Rich's company Christmas party. I'm excited. I have this cute little sassy dress that is a size 16 and it fits me good. I love it. I am thinking thats probally what I will wear but I don't know how up to dancing I feel. Yesterday really took all my energy out of me having to entertain family and stuff.
Something really cool happened though it's been about 6 weeks since my nieces and sister have seen me and about 8-9 weeks since my little brother had seen me and they all freaked out. I didn't drop but maybe 20 lbs in that time period but the inches just started falling off like crazy over the past couple months. My 12 year old niece kept asking "What did you do to my Misty" because they hadn't seen my hair cut or anything. It made me feel really good.
Also I actually ate yesterday!!! I tried to eat 4 times and kept 2 meals in lol so I probally got about about 5 oz of food in yesterday!! That was awesome. Today I'm feeling very full though and kinda iffy lol sooo I'm gonna try and keep it simple today.
Well I guess I need to get going my 3 year old niece is beating Richard up lol and he needs some protection I think.
Howdy Howdy!!! I DID brave the crowds....Hubby and I were at our local WALMART
at 5:15 this mornin....OF course...the only other store around here was Dunham's and Walgreens and CVS. SOOOOOOOO I went to Dunham's and Walgreens. I got all my Christmas shopping done...except for our boys out of state...haven't quite decided on a WALMART card or gifts...probably the card AND send some goodies to eat.hubby and I always make chex mix and fruit cake and peanut brittle every year....but this year will have to figure out how to make it sugar free!
Yesterday was great for me...no I didn't overeat....after cooking it all...I have to say..I didn't want to SEE food!
Mark and I have been outside all afternoon decorating the house...not sure if will put up ALL the lights or not this year...every year I try to mix it up different than the last. Tonight is decorating the tree
(LOOKS LIKE ME WITH THE LIGHTS!!!) lol and doing indoor decorations. Then we can rest the rest of the weekend! lol
Y'all have a nice night! Stay warm!

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
hey sweetie
congrats on your approval letter.
my file was just sent to the insurance wed.
my hubby has been at argosy in lawrenceburg for 11yrs.
he is in the poker room now so his tips are his he does pretty good but his sicjk days and vac sux cause no tips.
but he loves his job.
he is also in national guard for 17 yrs.
i cant wait to go backto work myself....
the friday deals really sucked
but my brother went thru a crappy divorce and she took everyhting so we got him some appliances cheap..
my boys want clothes so steve and barrys here we come...
again congrats