Happy Friday to All!!!

LaChelle R.
on 11/22/07 6:36 pm - Erie, PA
I hope that everyone has a full belly still!  Nap Turkey Enjoy your "Black Friday" Get lots of great deals if you go shopping today. Sales Rack  This Christmas is going to be very short and small for the girls this year. With me being as sick as I have been for the past few months, we are running way in the red.  Oh well, I am sure I will be able to make it up to the girls sometime. I have to work today, (like always) and they are expecting a record number of guests at the casino today, Craps  Roulette  Slots  so I am hoping that we have a great day. Money 3 Show Me Da Money  Some people just don't understand that as dealers, we are paid just as low as waitresses and servers. I haven't made minimum wage in almost 12 years.........sounds strange, doesn't it! LOL  I have been on my soap-box enough this morning!  Soapbox Have a great day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/22/07 7:03 pm
OH LaChelle Honey do i understand my husband also works as a dealer in the casino. And it is hard your paychecks are never the same and you miss one day and wham it hits in the ole pocketbook. My boys are teenagers so they understand i havent worked this year but  we will do what we can. It really makes me p..... off i couldnt go to walmart this a.m. my hubby did.. next year watch out.. Hope you have a killer tip day at work.. I love the smileys..
LaChelle R.
on 11/22/07 7:14 pm, edited 11/22/07 7:14 pm - Erie, PA
Its good to know that there are some out there that understand the life of a dealer!! LOL  Where does your husband work? You are so right.......one day out and it smacks you hard in the face! UGGH!!! At least when I was dual/rating more, and standing floor instead of dealing, I could count on a steady paycheck.  Oh well. I am kinda glad that I didn't make it to Wal-mart.....I would just find everything I would want to buy for everyone, and I don't have the place to hide it yet! LOL Gotta clean out my closets before I can start hiding anything! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/22/07 7:34 pm - Elwood, IN
Happy Black Friday everyone!  If you're crazy enough to go out shopping to day, good luck to ya!  As for myself, I'm just not up to it quite yet.  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving yesterday.  I had a good time spending time with the family.  Everyone felt bad eatting all that food in front of me.  I tried to tell them it didn't bother me, but ya know, they still felt bad.  Sillies.   Well, I'm still kinda tired so I think I'm gonna go on back to bed for a little bit.  Everyone have a great day, take care, and stay warm!!
Jenny K.
on 11/22/07 8:26 pm - IN

I am working today so no shopping for me.  Even if I wasnt working I would not be shopping. I hate shopping and even worse in the crowds.  I am going to shopping tomorrow with my mom in law only because I have to get my shopping started.

I done pretty well with Thanksgiving.  This morning I am having some trouble with feeling extremely full.  I am allowed to eat 3 oz and I could only get 1/2 an egg down.  Not sure what is up with that.  My cousin had RNY back in March and I saw here for the first time yesterday. She has lost 120 lbs and looks amazing.  She really got me inspired.  She brought me 6 totes of clothes that she wore as she was losing.  I told her about the clothing exchanges, so I think when I am done with them. We are going to try to come to one and bring all these clothes.  Are non OH members allowed to come to these?  If not then I am going to have to tell her to sign up.

Lachelle~~ I didnt realize dealers got paid how you do.  That sucks!  A lot of people that dont tip probably dont realize it or they would tip.  Is there signs up or anything that says tips accepted.  Of course I am not a casino going person, so I dont know. Well everyone have a good day and try to stay warm.

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 11/22/07 8:34 pm - Erie, PA
No, we can't post signs about tipping. It is called hustling, and it is against the law.........but oh well. Our paycheck is based strickly on the tips we earn. Our "Wages" from the casino are below minimum wage, and are only because the casino actually has to pay us something. It isn't even enough to cover our insurance and ST/LT disability premiums!   You are right, not many people even think about tipping a dealer. Yet we have it happen every day. It is very hard to stand there sometimes and give someone a few thousand dollars and have them throw their buddies chips all the time, and also the waitresses also. I have been on both sides of the tables. I waitressed for awhile, and I enjoyed it. It is very hard work tho, and they are also one of the more unappreciated workers in the society in this day and age.  I guess that is why I automatically tip 20%-25% when we go out. Jimmy and I both have been in this business long enough to appreciate service! LOL  Gotta get ready for work in a bit, so have a great day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/22/07 10:03 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good Black Friday everyone!

I WISH SO much that I could be out there shopping!! I love finding bargains and hate it when I can't take advantage of one. Trust me, it is really driving me nuts that I can't just go get that digital frame for my MIL (and no, no one has offered to get it for me).  I wish some of these stores would offer the same deals to their online customers. My credit card would definately be busy today if they did!


LaChelle...Bill & I have been in the service industry at different points and times in our lives. Bill was a soux chef at hotel restaurants downtown and a trouble-shooter for Mia Amigo & a few bars. Myself, I'd been a waitress & cook in a variety of restaurants. We also owned a bar a few years ago. We DEFINATELY believe in tipping and tipping well when the service was good. The service has to be extremely poor to be at the 10-15% level. We tried to instill in our bartenders that TIPS stands for: To Insure Proper Service. For many people, if the person is willing to smile, customers are willing to let loose of a bit more $ for the tip. I don't think people realize though that dealers aren't paid bigger $ than waitresses. We didn't..and we go to Vegas often. I asked Bill..and he thought dealers got minimum wage (not including tips). We never think twice about giving the waitress a dollar with every 'free' drink we get...but I must admit, we don't think about it with the dealers. We will from now on! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I mean, we always tip if we win a hand...but if it's a loser night for us, we should always keep back some tip $ for the dealer! Wel...gotta jump in the shower. The visiting nurse will be here in 30 minutes. Oh...measured my belly and it's 1.5" less than it was Wednesday!! Woo-hoo! It's still 2.5" bigger than it was pre-op for the plastics but at least we KNOW the swelling is going down!! YEAH! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
megan K.
on 11/23/07 3:25 am, edited 11/23/07 3:25 am - beech grove , IN
I am sorry you didnt get to go out. I did not go out today to the stores or I would have picked the frame up. I am really sorry about that. SO,how much longer are you going to be stuck at home? I hate being at home, so I hope that doesnt happen to me... Well, I hope you had a good Thanksgiving... I actually didnt eat that much food because I started a new ADHD medecine and I just cant eat. I am not complainingbecause this will help me control my weight before surgery.. So, yeah... And yesterday I actually excersiced for the first time in years... I thought I was gonna die when I did these squat things and twisted... it hurt sooooo bad... but I know it means it was working.  I have been writing what I am feeling a lot lately, so sorry if I am boring anyone... Well, I hope everyone has/had a good black friday... Megan
on 11/24/07 12:08 am - Indianapolis, IN


I have no idea how much longer I'm going to be 'grounded'. I plan on asking Dr. Gupta Monday if I can drive some...at least until I have the next surgery. I'm not taking any pain meds now so I don't see why not...well, except for the ticture of opium that keeps my intestinal spasms gone. I'm fortunate that my daughter has taken me to Kroger's ~ once a week and that they have the scooters! At least I can do a little bit of our grocery shopping that way. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jo N.
on 11/23/07 3:29 am - Crawfordsville, IN
Sherri, Matt and I went to THREE different Meijer's because we wanted one also...... they were sold out. The lady working electronics in the last store said that as far as she knows each Meijers only got 30 - 50 of them apiece and that they were the first thing to run out of at each store. I HATE when stores do that on Black Friday's. Advertise something and extremely limit it to all the stores. Trust me... had there been at least one I would have made sure you would have gotten it. But we were BOTH out of luck on that deal. Dang It!!!!! Jodi
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
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