At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need! /ththanksgiving.jpg
Hey, how is everyone doing today? I am doing much better then last night, so anyone *****ad my bulletin sorry... I was soooo irritated with my doctor it was not funny. Does anyone have a couselor or doctor who that is good? I really need a new one... I am over the issue that went on last night... I am thinking about being with my family today and I am getting excited!!! Well everyone have a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Bill and I are doing something we rarely do on Thanksgiving...we're having the traditional food. LOL! When I can drive, we just go to a restaurant that we're in the mood for like any other day so it's not unusual for us to have oriental for Thanksgiving. Today though, we are having turkey.'s a scaled down version. Remember, I do have a wound-vac to tote around with me. But I do believe it'll be enough traditional for us to feel like we really did have a turkey-day.
No one has responded to my post about tomorrow. If you're going to shop tomorrow and will be by a Meijer's, I'd really appreciate it if you could pick up one of those digital Frames for me. I want so bad to be able to hop in my truck and go get it myself! I'm not allowed to drive yet though so I'm kinda grounded where I'm at. They'll be on sale for $30 Friday only. My Mother-in-law is a real sweetheart and loves pictures, but has VERY little space in her apartment. This frame flashes different pictures so that in one frame, she'll have several pics. How's that for space-saving? Anyway, they are normally $80 so I just haven't broke down and paid that much for one. Please let me know if you're willing to do this for me so I don't end up with a dozen of We can make arrangements for you to drop it off (and you get your $$ back) either by coming by our house on the east side of Indy or at the ornament exchange (your choice).
I do have so much this year to be thankful for. Yes, the family, my friends, my home, my employment....but for me this year, at the top of the life. You don't know how thankful you are for that until you come as close as I did to losing it. So with each breath I take, I am so thankful that God was in charge in the surgery room each time, in the ICU when my BP dropped to 50/30, when they had to pump me with 8.5 pints of blood, when they rejuvinated my intestines, when I took every breath. He guided each of the medical personel, and guided my body into doing exactly as he wanted done. I believe he is still in charge and the swelling in my intestines will go down when he deems it is time for them to. And it will be the perfect amount of time. And for that, I am thankful. I am alive. I will see my grandchildren grow up and hopefully see my children grow old. I will be able to enjoy the company of my friends and have the ability to make new friends. Seven weeks ago, it was up in the air as to if I would live to do any of those things. But God knew...and for that, I am thankful.
You all have a good day today. And remember to thank God for his most precious gift to Without it, the rest would not be a possibility.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...