Nasty taste in my mouth
It most likely is ketosis. Go to the grocery store and get a jug of sugar-free grape juice. Drink at least 8 oz of it per day. If you can't find it in sugar-free, check the labels and get the one with the lowest grams of sugar and only drink ~2-4 oz of it at a time...wait a few hours and them drink some more. Ketosis is caused by not getting in enough carbs. Target for +100 g of carbs per day. After a few days, the nasty taste should go away. Mints will NOT take care of the problem and will NOT mask the issue. Some nuts will also recommend gatorade. I found that the grape juice worked best...and tasted best.
You don't want the ketosis to continue. If carbs aren't found in your body to burn for energy, the body won't burn fat (don't we wi**** would!!) but instead will use muscle tissue..and we need all the muscles we have!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I drink about 8 oz of 100% fruitjuice apple juice from wal mart for this... and I drink gatorade through out the day .. I rarely eat carbs so I get this nasty taste alot... i just crave protein and it is ketosis... Tastes like you crapped in your own mouth.. Disgusting yuck... but i have found that not only does the fruit juice make it go away it also helps me not be so constipated... Hope that helps