megan K.
on 11/18/07 6:28 pm, edited 11/18/07 6:33 pm - beech grove , IN
Hi, how is everyone this morning??? I have been up since yesterday morning at like 8 am. So, I should be saying good night but I can't sleep. So yeah, I have not talked to many of you guys lately so here is the update. My son is going to be 1 on Dec.5th. He has to get tube in the ears next monday. He is also walking and has been for about a month... but you can tell by the way he is walking how bad his ear infections are. My daughter is doing great. She is only 3 and can color in the lines and write several letters. I am proud of my babies. My mom which is the one that is encouraging me to have the surgery has found out what caused her stomach pains that feel like contractions. When she went to Mayo Clinic the doctors finally determined the surgery after baratrics--something with the bowel duct or something like that--she got nerve damage from that. She also has an ulcer. I am worried I will have those problems, but those were caused by a dumb doctor who cut the wrong thing and tried to do it again... Long story short... They have gave her medication to help with that but it is making her sicker which means she cant work so a of Feb. 1 she will lose her job. So she is losing her house because her medical bills are so much she cant afford it. So, if anyone knows of an account payable/recieving type job tell me.. My mom is a hard worker and the meds are making her better and they think it will fix her but she has to get the stress out to help with the ulcer issue. Honestly she has worked at her company for 8 years, we think there is something we can do... but we dont have the money to talk to an attorney... Any advice on this issue?? And last but not least... I will have my last appointment in January so I can prepare for surgery sometime after that. I am hoping for March 2008 over spring break because that will give me 1 1/2 weeks and between classes and I have childcare too. Oh another thing, sorry to ask about the Christmas assistance on here, I just didnt know if anyone knew of companies or agencies participating in that assistance. I was just trying to figure out what to do because that same day my brakes went out, and my tires were shot so I had to get new ones and I am always broke being a single mommy of the 2 lilttle one. So, I spent over $450 on that even with my dad putting all the parts on... so there went my christmas money I have saved this year...So, sorry you guys to give the update this Monday morning just havent had the time lately. I hope you have a GREAT MONDAY and a GREAT THANKSGIVING!!!!! Megan
Jenny K.
on 11/18/07 8:18 pm - IN

Can your mom request a leave of absence?  You might check on the internet for laws on that subject.  Things will get better for you.  I dont know how many times I have wondered am I going to be able to afford Christmas, but we always found a way.  Luckily your kids are young enough that they would be happy with a few things.  At least there not to the age of my kids where they want the computers, Ipod's, etc.  (which they aren't

I go see Dr. Gupta today for my 6 week check up. Get to see how much more weight I have lost.  I am betting around 35 lbs.  I dont have a scale at home yet so I am just guessing.  Well everyone have a good day.


 Caduceus    Caduceus 

megan K.
on 11/19/07 4:02 am - beech grove , IN
She took one last year... They also told her when she went to Mayo Clinic that if she was to take longer then a week she would be terminated... She actually had to sign a paper. SO, how much weight did you lose? You are probably already starting to feel like a new person... I cant wait!!! Well I really appreciate you and everyone else who wrote me...  I kind of did not sleep last night so I am typing a lot... Well you have a great day!!! Thanks very much...  Megan
Jenny K.
on 11/19/07 4:57 am - IN

Just keep your chin up, it will get better. 

I lost 30 lbs at todays visit. Yes I am starting to feel better, my clothes are getting baggy and people are starting to notice the weight loss. So that keeps me on cloud 9.  Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.


 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 11/18/07 9:25 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning is a nice day so far. The girls got on the bus without any arguments between the two, so that always makes for a great Monday.  I haven't got much of anything to do yet today, except wait for the insurance company to get their office open! LOL  I will be on the phone by 9 am, just to make sure they approved my letter sitting on her desk! Then it is on the phone to Dr. Shinas office to make sure they recieved the fax, so I can talk to the scheduler and get my date! I will update later today about that.  Doctor Hopefully it will be in a couple weeks. Keep your fingers crossed! This afternoon Mariah has her Brownies meeting... Girl Scouts ....and then this evening, I have a Brownies meeting for orientation for troop leaders and assistants! I am looking forward to it.........and the girls are also! Mariah just called and reminded me that she has drinks today to bring for I guess I need to run to the store on my way. Fun Fun Fun! Well, have a wonderful day.........and a wonderful short week.  Turkey Wave 
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/18/07 9:34 pm, edited 11/18/07 9:34 pm - Wabash, IN
Lachelle~ Hope you get a date today!!!!!!!  Can't wait to hear when it is!!!!!!!!!!! huggggggggggs, janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 11/18/07 9:32 pm - Wabash, IN
         Cowboy           Mornin' my Indiana Posse! Today is clean the house day for me....gotta get ready for Thanksgiving at my house. My family will be here for lunch around noon on Thanksgiving day because my sis has to work. there will be about 15 of us here. We usually have lunch play a few games of cards and watch the football game then have supper and a few more games of cards. Usually we play cards till around 1 or 2 am!!!!!  Makes for a VERY long Turkey day!!!!! Plus this year hubby and I are gonna be up and shopping on Friday...soooooooo might as well stay up all night!!!!!  lol  I want to get to Joann Fabrics by 6:00 am on Friday to get a few of their special buys! LOL Anyway...y'all have a wonderful Monday and stay warm and be safe! HUGGGGGGGGGGS, Janene            

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 11/18/07 10:14 pm - Indianapolis, IN


Please send Floyd your contact information so you can be added to the directory. Also, what are your children's names and what do they like/need? What are their sizes? Favorite colors? Characters?

I know how much it can break a mother's heart to not be able to get for her children the things they want and need, especially at Christmas. You are going to school sweetie. When you are done, you will be able to get a good job and be able to do for your children as you wish you could now. Keep your eyes focussed on the future. You and your children have a very happy one. Keep up the good work!

I don't know how much assitance you will recieve this year, but promise me one it forward when you are able to. It may be 10-20 years down the line, but at some point, you will see where another young single mom is stressed out over how she will provide for her children. Assist her..ok?

I was in your position at one time. One particular Christmas, while I was in church  the Sunday evening before Christmas, the husband of one of the congregation snuck presents into my car for my kids Christmas. This man, per the minister was a 'sinner' because he refused to attend there. NONE of the congregation even offered a dime to assist me in my time of need. This man is now deceased and I know in my heart that he has a special place in Heaven.

Things will get better sweetie....



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
megan K.
on 11/19/07 4:03 am - beech grove , IN
I sent you a message!!!
Gail O.
on 11/18/07 10:55 pm - indianapolis, IN

Good Morning All, I am starting the day out great, I didnt sleep but all in all I feel great. Megan, did you get my suggestion of going to the Salvation Army in Fountain Square, in like the 1400's S. Shelby St.

They offer you the chance to pick out toys,I believe 1 outfit and they also provide wrapping paper, tape and a small gift card. Sign uo is on Tuesdays & Thursdays fm 5- 7 pm. Just bring yours ID and the childrens SScards . They are a very understanding group and will really help. They even provide batteries if the toys need them. I wish everybody a bleesed day. Hugs, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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