
on 11/17/07 11:30 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Wow..I can't believe this is the first Sunday 10:20 in the morning..???? Guess we're all sleeping in or just busy huh? I must admit, I did some online Christmas shopping first. My grandkids rooms are very small so Tiffany (my daughter) is doing some shuffling around. I ordered the 6 yr old a futon bed and the two youngest ones, toddler beds. The 3yr old already has a toddler bed. I ordered baby dolls, the learning scooter (& cartridges), and kids FP3's & digital camera's. I feel so good that I finally have some Christmas shopping done! The latest any of it is scheduled to arrive is Dec. 3rd. Gotta love! I tried first but they didn't have anything that I was looking for. It seems that way every time I go there. Floyd..needless to say, I do want to participate in the card & secret pal exchanges. Thank you for including that with the directory. You & Brenda are peaches! E....YUM! We enjoyed the gizzard soup very much last night. I picked out the potatoes (I'm hypoglycemic) so mine was very high protein...which I especially need right now to help in the healing process. Thank you so much for making it & bringing it to us. Ellen...I hope you are recouping from your trip ok. I'm looking forward to seeing you again hon! You all enjoy what's left of the weekend! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/18/07 12:13 am - Wabash, IN
 Good Weekend? Hope y'all are having a great one...I have been up since about 8:30 but just layin' in bed cuddlin' with my hubby... Big Hug So now its time to get cookin'...fixin' to make clam chowder today...first time I have ever made will see how it turns out...sounds good though!  Gonna watch the colts game today and then the last NASCAR race of the season...sooo will be LAZY!  lol Hey Sherri...can you pass on that gizzard soup recipe?????? I am always looking for new soup or stew recipes in the winter...THANKS  Flower  Y'all stay warm! GO COLTS!!!!!   Colts 

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 11/18/07 1:40 am - Indianapolis, IN
E (eluka) made the gizzard soup for us. Maybe he'll post the recipe. I can tell you that you start off with your favorite creamed soup (celery, chicken, etc), add potatoes, carrots, and pressure-cooked gizzards. Ummm..what else E? Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/18/07 3:31 am - LaGrange, KY
Hey y'all I'm having a lazy day today. I'm not feeling so great soo I decided to just really rest. My pouch is still angry from a bad episode yesterday and so I'm just trying to take it easy. I'm soo nervous bout tomorrow. I don't really know why I'm nervous but I am. I go in to get a button for my gtube so I don't have this hanging tube that keeps getting yanked on and what not. I've pulled the stitches out again by just doing normal stuff round the house and all that fun stuff. So this button is going to be a good thing but it's an in office thing so chances are if need be she will just numb the area or whatever, I'm not really sure how it works. I just know that I'm anxious about it. It is quiet round here this weekend. Hope everyones doing well!!!!!
LaChelle R.
on 11/18/07 4:25 am - Erie, PA

Good Sunday afternoon to all!  I have been very busy this afternoon.....we are having our church Thanksgiving dinner and gospel singing this evening, so I have been busy cooking and preparing things to take this evening.  I have made au gratin potatos and green bean casserole to take.  Since I don't personally like many pies or desserts, I picked up 2 pumpkin pies at Wal-mart and will take those also.  Mariah begged me to get them, and a tub of cool-whip to take, so I did.  Now, it is time to take the green bean casserole out of the oven and let it start cooling.......I hope I have enough. I used 10 cans of french style green beans! LOL   Sherri, don't even get me started on Christmas shopping! LOL  I am going to be lucky to buy stocking stuffers for the girls this Christmas! Since I have missed so much work in the past few weeks, we are kinda running short on the $$$$, and of course it is at the worst time of the season. Luckily I have picked up a few things here and there and stuffed them back.

I have already gotten all of my cards ready to put the stamps on, now I just have to wait until payday to buy the stamps! LOL  I addressed them all yesterday at work before I started..........not bad for the weekend before Thanksgiving........I  usually am just getting them in the mail the week before Christmas.  Now to pick up my ornament for the exchange.  I am hoping that everything works out well so I can attend. I may be by myself at the party, unless I can talk a friend into driving up with me. My DH will have to work, and won't be able  to attend. He is sorry, but I understand.  I am also hoping that my surgery date will be just shortly after that. I should find out tomorrow when it is.  The woman has been out on vacation all last week, and will be able to approve the approval letter and get it faxed into Dr. Shinas office. As soon as they get it in tomorrow, the scheduler will call me with my date. I guarantee you that I will be on the phone for quite some time  making sure they get it approved! LOL I want this done before Christmas!!!! I will make sure that it happens too! Gotta run! Have a wonderful day all!

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/18/07 4:52 am - LaGrange, KY
I'm hoping you get your date sooon!! I've been checking to see if you've posted yet.. Many prayers heading your way.
Jana Plummer
on 11/18/07 6:05 am - Muncie , IN

hey all happy Sunday to you all I have been in bed all day did not eat a thing untill 3pm I am still not up to par but feeling better. Thanks god. I am hoping to here something from Heather tommrow morning about a sugery date. Please pray that she will call me... Thanks All  Jana 

Happy New Year Everyone.

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