Does any one regret this surgery?

on 11/16/07 10:31 pm - PLAINFIELD, IN
I was wondering does any one regreat this surgery.Im right now..I know my diebeties is getting better but I cant stand how you must sip water slowly or it back logs .i even sip sip sip and then it is hard to breath.. no one even talked aboult this in support groups.. they say sip sip but they dont tell aboult the back loggen .I regreat this surgery now...I dont want to have my daughter to get it now losing wieght but i hate this .im so down now.......Had surgery nov 1st 2007
on 11/16/07 10:52 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Sandra, I wouldn't say I regret having my RNY...but I do wish I had been wise enough to do the things I do now as a young woman to where I wouldn't have needed to have the surgery to start with. My daughter can't financially have this surgery so I do try to advise her as to how she can lose the weight without having to be operated on. It is the same things that anyone +1 yr out must do to remain successful. Eat right, exercise, drink water. All sounds familiar, huh? Which of us has not had at least one doctor to tell us to do those things over the years pre-op? Think of your stoma (where the intestines are connected to your pouch) as a funnel. If you pour liquid into a funnel too fast, it will gurgle and come back out. You learn how to pour the liquid in a steady stream so that the narrow opening can let it flow into the vessel. The same holds true to 'pouring' liquid into your stoma. It does get where 'sip-sip' is not your mantra because you learn how to pour into your stoma. Hon, speaking as someone who has experienced a multitude of complications from my RNY, I do not regret my RNY. Learning to drink again? No problem. That was never considered a 'complication' in my book. I do wish that learning how to sip properly was the biggest issue I had experienced. Even with the complications that I have had though, if my daughter had good insurance and wanted the surgery, I would support her 100%. My RNY saved my life. It hasn't been an easy path, but it's one I don't regret taking. If my daughter had to go through the same things I did, I would still back her because I want her around long enough to see HER grandchildren get married! my profile. I think you will see that if learning how to sip is the worse of your problems, then you have it pretty darn good. Not to sound b*tchy, woe unto me, or anything else, but sweetheart, you have it pretty darn good. Count your blessings...k? Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 11/16/07 11:12 pm - Cumberland, IN
Over time do you still have to sip?  Or is that a lifstyle change?  My mom's friend patricia had her surgery in 2000 and she is alble to drink bottles of water, and eat cake and alot of things.  I was a little confused by that? -Brok
on 11/16/07 11:29 pm - Indianapolis, IN


Over time, you do not have to constantly sip-sip..but gulping is out of the question for me. I just drink. It is a lifestyle change that comes to you. Patience is the key word. I drink water from bottles with no problem. to cake...if you want to be successful, regular cake is something you should put on the 'never again' list! Cake has sugar, calories, fat, and high carbs..NONE of which is good for you. Sugar-free cake? Sure, as long as you keep the portion small and keep it as a VERY occation treat...afterall, it is not calorie-free! Any post-op should avoid any non-sugar-free sweets! Please do not start your journey with it in the back of your mind that eventually you'll be able to put that garbage in your mouth! You will be setting yourself up for failure if you do. If you do that, you will become one of the statistics *****gain their weight back. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 11/16/07 11:39 pm - Cumberland, IN
Okay Gotcha!  Thanks for that Sherri I don't know if she eats cake all the time, but I did see her eating it on my sisters birthday in march.  Also Gulping is not a problem for me.  I always drink my water as well.  The only time I gulp is when I am really thirsty when I workout or something.  So hopefully that would be an easy task for me when (hopefully) have surgery.
on 11/18/07 5:21 am - IN
I was always a big gulper and believe me--AFTER surgery, you will NEVER be able to gulp!! If you do, you will learn very quickly that you will not do it again!!
on 11/17/07 12:08 am - Rockport, IN
Sandra, I am just over three weeks out.  I don't regret it at all.  It's hard to adjust to the change, especially the constant sip, sip, sipping.  I am having a little trouble with it as well but I am getting my fluids in finally. I'm wondering if you shouldn't talk to your surgeon about how you're feeling.  I've been on anti-depressants for over 8 yrs now.  I personnally believe they should be added to the water supply!  Maybe you need a little help getting through this lifestyle adjustment.  I know I'd never be able to make it without my pill!   I hope this doesn't hit you the wrong way.  Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want to talk about it further.  You really have done a great thing for yourself by having the surgery. I will pray for you and ask the Lord to send his Holy Spirit to give you peace. Blessings, Jacqui
on 11/17/07 2:28 am - Avon, IN

What you are feeling is SO completely normal. You've just had surgery, you'r tired from that. And on top of being tired you NOW have all these NEW things that you have to worry about. I know this sounds cliche... but keep thinking that in 4 weeks it will be better. It took be about 6-8 weeks after surgery to fully APPRECIATE what I had done for myself and to realize that sipping is worth it. You will feel SO much better in about 4 weeks that you will NEVER regret this surgery. I had diabetes too and i was always SO tired... because my sugar was up, then it was down, then it was normal but i was terrified it was going to crash. Don't have to deal with that now. Believe me... it's worth it. You're just being bombarded with a whole helluva lot right now... take a deep breath and sip sweetie... we have all been there... and YEAH it's worth it...


on 11/17/07 2:59 am - PLAINFIELD, IN
thanks every one...I started on antidepressants several months before this surgery and felt good about this till now.Sherry thank you for describing it like a funnel...i just need to try harder to get in my sips .already been dehydrated and probley am again..Im hoping I feel better later right now its so hard...Tiffany my daughter is 18 now and thanking aboult it but still unsure.ill support whatever she decides.. Please every one keep me in your prayers...thanks
Gail O.
on 11/17/07 6:04 am - indianapolis, IN
Sandra,  Have you tried popcicles free of course. I coundnt because of being very allergic to artifial sugars. But a lot of folks at the lived on them and loved them. I did ice chips and sip, sip very slowly . Things will get better. And give hugs to Tiffany, she's so sweet. JessyCa, You look wonderful, I can't wait to see you Hugs, &  Blessings, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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