1 month surgery anniversary !!
There are several good, free sites that you can count your calories with. Alot of people recomend FitDay.com. There is also CalorieKing.com. My preference is SparkPeople.com. It allows you to track calories, fluids, and exercise as well as educate you on nutrition, exercise, etc. There are message boards similar to here. I had started a SparkTeam there for those of us in the Indy area. With having WLS though, you do want to be sure you measure your food, not weigh it. Our pouches start off at 1-2 ounces..and that is by measurement. Rule of thumb though is that 2 oz is about the size of an egg. You'll get eventually to where you can look at food and be able to guestimate how many ounces it is.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Congratulations!! Glad to hear that you are doing better. I use www.dailyplate.com to log all my eating. I think the main thing is just to find some place that you are comforatble with and just use it regularly.