CT scan tomorrow
I will be having a abdominal CT scan with IV dye and GI series tomorrow. I have been having pain in my left side on and off for about 6 weeks now. At first I just thought I had pulled a muscle because I had been exercising more, but then it just didn't seem to get better. I had an appointment with my surgeon two weeks ago and when I went in they told me they had cancelled it back in August. So nice for them to let me know. Then I had to wait another two weeks to see my surgeon because he was on vacation and I didn't want to see anybody else and the pain was not too bad. Like I said it comes and goes. Doesn't have me bent over or anything, but it is definetely an owie, owie at times. Anybody out there been through this? I have heard the IV dye (contrast) kind of burns when they put it through. Oh well, I gotta do what I gotta do. Please say a prayer for me that it's nothing too serious. Hopefully, it is just a strained muscle. I'll follow up with ya'll later when I get my results.
I just had one. Their checking for KBS or a bowel obstruction. The IV dye doesn't burn going in but it made me feel warm all over. They warned me it would. It's not bad at all quick and easy. Mine didn't show any signs of KBS. If my pain keeps up though they are going to do an exploratory lap. Mine is top, left sided, right after I eat. It almost feels like my stomach is spasming. It happens off and on, no real pattern.