vitamin question
You are correct. I went to my class at ST. V in June of last yr and they said u should take one MVT with each meal. Never take them all at once. Its hard to do at first but once u get a routine its not so bad.
Your body can only absorb so much at a time. You only have so many receptors to accept the vitamins and minerals. So if u are eating and taking the vitamin...your body will excret what u dont absorb. So by spreading them out you arent just peeing it out. You dont want to waste you money and pee out all the good vitamins. One way to tell is if your pee is more concentrate after u have taken your vitamins. Esp ppl that take them all at one time...this will happen.
But then again we all have to find what works for us. However, this is what they are teaching and from a science standpoint it does make since.
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