I feeeeeeel goood....
Hehe I woke up this morning and I feel awesome. I don't feel as tired as I have been and I've got some energy. In fact I'm fixing to go for a walk right now. But man I feel good. My lungs and sinuses feel clear! My belly has accepted food 2 days in a row now!! I'm gonna try and start coming off of some of the anti nausea meds (instead of keeping a steady dose in) and see if it's the meds doing it or my pouch is just finally ungrouchy.
This is awesome y'all.
I'm really happy for you. I hope that your healthy feeling continues!!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thanks y'all :)
Hehe I don't think I need to be going off my anti nausea meds just yet. I cut back some yesterday and only kept down 1 meal.. BUT it's trial and error and I'm learning what works and what does not. This is such a roller coaster ride. But hey 2 steps forward and 1 back I can handle because I'm making progress, heres to having another good day today (I hope LOL) and a good weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed.