Did Anyone Else...
...Have to have any additional pre op testing done? Heather from Dr. Diaz's office just called me and said they wanted a CT scan done because they saw something in my Xray. She said they couldn't tell if it was just a nodule or what. She told me..."I can tell you right now it's nothing, but they just always want to make sure". UGH Now I'm worried. I have to go to St. V's on Friday at 1:15 to have it done, and she said she'd call me on Monday and let me know. She said she wasn't going to order it with contrast so I could just eat and drink normally the night before, so THAT'S a plus. Did this happen to anyone else? Hopefully it really is nothing. I'd hate to be this close to my surgery date and have to cancel because of a pre op complication. Any encouraging words?
Trust me you, from experience, you would rather him do the extra test now then to go in for your lap rny and then wake up in recovery to be told that they closed the surgery and didnt do it. I went in and this happened to me. I had 2 masses on my liver that made it difficult for Dr Diaz to be able to get to my stomach. They did the CT right after I came out of recovery. They ended up being nothing to worry about but had to come out so then with in the week I was going back to surgery to have open rny and a portion of my liver removed. I didn't have a gall bladder before surgery so I didnt have to have the ultrasound done, but had we done that before it would of been found before going into surgery. Dr Diaz is great, he was the one that even called me with the results of my CT and explained what it was and what he was going to do with it. You are in good hands with Dr Diaz. Heather is quite wonderful herself. Good luck with the CT and I will keep you in my prayers that it doesn't hinder your surgery in any way.