OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
My insurance company just called me, and guess what they said?? She told me everything looked great, but asked if I had a psych eval done. Apparently St. V's hasn't sent the report in, or perhaps sent it to the wrong place. She told me she was going to give them a call and she if she can get the report sent to her. She asked me if I knew who she would need to speak to and OMG my mind was a blank, I couldn't think of any names or phone numbers so she said she would call the number she had, which was the office number. I am sure someone there will send the report or transfer her to the right department or whatever. I am just such a wreck now!! I am in shock.......everything looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Thanks all of you for helping ease my mind through all of this. I just can't believe after over 5 years, I am finally there. Thank you God!!
It sounds like you are very close to getting that official approval. I know how excited you are right now. I see that you are going to Dr. Gupta. You will love her. She did my surgery 3 yrs ago. My silly body likes to make mountains out of mole hills so I ended up having complications. Dr. Gupta was right there taking care of each one. As if that wasn't enough for me to be forever grateful to her, my recent complications (from Plastics/pnumonia/blood clots/intestines..see my profile) renewed my faith in her, as well as in Dr. Cacucci. These ladies literally saved my life the week of Oct. 6th. I and my family all knows that I would not be alive today if it weren't for them and their skillful, heaven-blessed, hands. Trust me hon, you could not be in more capable hands.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...