I'm not sure who to call
I called my Psychologist again today and found out that she's been out of the office since last Wed. She was supposed to have been out Wed. & Fri., but call my 'okay' in last Thurs. Come to find out she had a family emergency and is going to be out of the office all week this week too, except for Fri. morning until noon.
I did call the surgeon's office today. Nicole told me that I should go in there and sit until she gave me the report. I really doubt that she has it written up yet and she's only in the office Fri. morning to see patients and won't have time to write it up then. Nicole is supposed to call them tomorrow, but I don't know if it'll do any good. I called the insurance co. today and they don't have the referral yet. If I don't find out anything by Fri. I will call the office and see if they can remind her to call in the 'okay' before she leaves....but if she can't get it written up in a few days, she won't call in the referral. I live in Kokomo and they're in Indy, so I can't see driving down there and sit there for hours and she won't even have it done.
We're losing MPlan at the end of the year.....the rate that she is going there is going to be alot of us that will not make the deadline if she doesn't get this stuff done soon. Dr. Huse is scheduling for Dec. now and she said I had to get it in by the end of Nov. My surgery is a revision from the VBG I had 10 yrs. ago and that's the surgeon I had then.
Thanks for your information. I just hope something will be done....and soon.